Fallout "A Covenant Elite squadron has captured a top secret ONI missile site used to take out Covenant capital cruisers. They have been working to re-designate the on-site warhead to target a major human city. Spartans, we need you to take this facility back before it is too late." Reconnaissance Images: Welcome to the ONI:CCF facility. Trespassers will be shot. Overview of the security station that prevents intruders. Guess that ship sailed. Brilliant minds that cast a protective eye over Reach reside in these walls. They enjoy strip poker and Beer Pong. This facility is proud to be branded with the purple ONI readout. Jim wanted blue letters and no tree. We fired Jim. "Get rid of the tree" he says, psssh, what is any place without a nice tree? The launch codes module and the CCF nuke in the background. This is all top secret information. In fact, who let you in here. Get Out! Fallout is an Invasion based map that combines all of the good things about Boneyard and Spire and throws the rest out the window. It sports the classic Invasion setup: Territories, Territories, and Capture the Flag (Core). I am really pleased to see how my first Reach map is turning out considering the amount of labor, blood, sweat, and the occasional tear that went in to this. I sure hope the FH public feels the same. Join me as I wet my feet again for the first time since Halo 3 for a competitive Invasion map (OMG it's not Infection!) that I believe will knock your socks off (or your pants if you're not wearing socks (and if you're not wearing pants, please put some on)) Fallout is nearing the end of its extensive Invasion testing and will in the end be compatible for Big Team Battle and Invasion Slayer too. Until then, please enjoy the screenshots I have so graciously provided you.
Love the ONI theme, looks to have a nice combination of indoor and outdoor playspaces, you've got me interested. You should shoot me a PM when you release this, as I often miss final products in the flooded map forums.
There is one thing that REALLY bugs me. Any words that are spelled out in maps just seems to make the map tacky, in my eyes.
Well i really like this map And the idea of Covenant attacking the secret facility, but its a bit unoriginal. You know every invasion game is about "supah facility" captured by covenant/humans, and the second side need to take it back. More original would be that covenant fired nuke and at the third phase you spawn nova fx xD Just kidding but it might look like nuke missle explodes. And there are only few minuts to get to the shelter [alpha and bravo at same shelter].xD Sorry, i am crazy. But i like your work.
Looks aesthetically pleasing, ONI themes are always good themes. It gives the map a dominating, looming, kind of mood. I have not had any play tests on this yet but that could easily be fixed.
Agreed. Why not save all the budget on having a missile out there (which no person in their right mind would do) and make it an underground silo with just a small protrusion above the ground.
agreed. but to the credit of the forger who created this map. the whole effing point of the map PREview is to have you give him feedBACK, so that he can change those things. agreed?
I like it too. I think the outdoor to indoor feel will do nicely for player progression and orientation. I'll shoot you a message when I post it. I know that feeling of missin a map release. Actually, it's funny you said that. V2 of Fallout worked almost exactly how you just described. I used nova and green fx to give the nuclear fallout look and dropped fusion coils about structures that disappeared. While this idea was much more original, it simply didn't play as well as I'd hoped for. So v3 was born, and despite the kind of cut and dry mechanics, it is the product I'm most satisfied with. The ONI sign actually happened on accident. The large brace ends formed an O shape after placing them so I just decided to roll with it. It actually far more discreetly placed than it is made out to be in that pic. Both the ONI sign, emblem, and the missile were made as a result of having over 1000$ in budget left after finishing the map. So I thought some aesthetic flair was in order. Luckily, there is still no frame rate lag or flashing objects. In fact, I can view the entire map in forge and get no flashing objects or lag. Personally, I'm proud of that since both v1 and v2 were plagued with lag.