Foundry Fallout V3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by An UrgeTo Dance, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. An UrgeTo Dance

    An UrgeTo Dance Ancient
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    Fallout is a map that was made pre ghostmerge, in fact the first version was made pre merge or at least before I new how to merge. When I made version 3 I started with a blank canvas and pretty much copied from pictures of version 2 while redoing it to have a better feel. The map uses all of Foundry including the back hall. It has a bridge system and a set of teleporters. The teleporters send you out of the base and into the bunkers on the back wall. I made the map with a larger group of people in mind {12-16} but after I played it with a smaller group fond out it would work with a smaller group. The only bad thing with playing with a small group would be the amount of weapons on the map. The new features with V3 are a new base design, a new center building, a new weapons set, and well a whole new design on all the building/cover.
    The weapons on the map include:
    4 carbines
    1 shotgun (no extra clips)
    2 maulers
    1 rocket (no extra clips)
    1 sword
    1 sniper rifle
    1 beam rifle
    2 plasma pistols
    2 plasma rifles
    4 SMGs
    4 spikers
    and some battle rifles

    Now on to some pics


    Base Overview

    Inside of the Base

    Back Wall

    Rocket Spawn

    Shotgun Spawn

    Sword Spawn

    Sniper Rifle/Overshield Spawn

    Beam Rifle/Active Camo spawn

    Base Hallway (you can't shoot threw it there are shield dores just to see if someone is camping)

    One of the things that makes Fallout V3 fun is that your flag will spawn in one of four different places in you base. The starting points are set up to where you should always know where your flag is. All spawns are the same in both bases.

    First Two flag Spawns (bunker on far right, pipes on left)

    Third Flag Spawn (in the bunker)

    Forth Flag Spawn (by the window pannel)

    The map is also great for SWAT in fact thats my favorite game to play but they don't have it in the list of gametypes.
    #1 An UrgeTo Dance, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2010
  2. LinkinPork

    LinkinPork Ancient

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    Map looks nice. Are there any bubble shields on this map? Cuz they effect gameplay a lot
  3. TenBear

    TenBear Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hi i would love to look around your map but on bungie's site it says it cant find the file. if possible could you reupload it. many thanks

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