Comes out tomarrow woot. Anyone else getting it? It should be awesome. Fallout 3 group- Discuss Fallout 3, tactics, things that happened to you, things you killed, rat looking things that got ate (family guy reference), nukes you dropped, etc. If there are already threads about it, and posting on them again wouldn't be a necro, don't make a new one. Yes, I am getting it. I already pre-ordered it, a while ago, but since I got free-shipping, I'm only getting it on Monday. Depends on amazon.
whaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttt???????????? oblivion was amazing and still is, fallout is basically a more modern version so ima love it =D i cant wait!
im definitely getting it, but not right now. im broke, and the multiplayer games like cod and gears are ahead than fallout on my list. i'll probably get it for christmas. ive heard people say this before, and i dont understand. oblivion is so deep, i still play it, and ive beaten literally EVERY quest. i still enjoy just exploring and walking slowly around cities looking bad ass. and fallout is gonna be a lot deeper than oblivion from my understanding, so i know i'll be playing it for a while.
It has over 500 different endings. It's will not get boring after a while... Edit: Also, post above, just look on Youtube. There's bound to be something there.
just give it a day or so, even less and there will be videos up on youtube. just keep checking. And yes I will get it. I'm not sure, probobly for christmas or even later.
I just got it and played it for about 2 hours(had to let my bro on) Right before i got off, I killed a HUGE ASS MUTANT with a mini nuke-how sick is that? The gameplay is great. I strongly recommend getting it.
Lol that my friend is the advantage of pre-ordering your games. I think i have to go beat up my brother and take the Xbox back PS its as good as IF NOT BETTER than oblivion
indeed plus I saved time I got my mom to pick it up from EB while I was at school. I wish i was playing it now...
I just got it today, and it is amazing =D the gameplay is great, so is the storyline. I reccomend it strongly.
Are you two best friends that happen to share a similar username, and live in the same city? Like Scopulus and Scorpulus. Although I don't think they live close to each other.
Well i have known the guy since third grade =P and he lives a few minutes down the street so yes. Why do you ask? Btw fallouts text is really small >.<