I'm thinking about getting one of these. Anybody got the, Good/Bad things about the games and the Prefered game? Thanks =D Edit: I use a 360
PC or console? I've played both games and they're both really great games. I prefer oblivion for now because the music, tons of quests and playing hours, variety of stuff and good mods. Though if you're getting a console version then you should probably get FO3 because oblivion can be annoying with the all seeing guards and flawed balance issues. FO3 isn't something you would want to play if you like color but rather like seeing people getting dismembered and blood spattering everywhere (you can do that in an oblivion mod). FO3 is fun and I've always wanted a fps rpg and they made it.
Get Oblivion first if anything. They're both great, but I believe Oblivion's gameplay, expansive freedom, and customization topple that of which Fallout 3 provides.
quoted for truth. Seriously, get Oblivion, even though I love Fallout 3, nothing compares to oblivion
If your pc can handle it, get oblivion for pc over the 360. I know you say use a 360, but you obviously have a computer... The PC mods for Oblivion are just mind blowing, here is a good example. Midas Magic Spells of Aurum at The Elder Scrolls Nexus - Oblivion mods and community
I thought I'd have more people on my side here, but Fallout 3 is by far the better game imo. The plot is just better, sure Bethesda didn't make it up in the same way as they did with Oblivion, but it's still better. The tongue in cheek humour is better, the dark moments are much darker, and it's just more immersive for me. The characters are more convincing and it just feels more complete as a story-based game, the questions over right and wrong are more grey, less black and white as they were in Oblivion, I felt the whole fight for justice thing in Oblivion was just plain dull, and whilst there is a similar principle in Fallout, I find it much more immersive in that each moral decision is not so clear cut. Take the "Blood Ties" quest, at the end when you get to choose what whateverhisname West does, it's not just a good choice or a bad choice, I actually chose to send him back to Arefu and every time I go back there I almost feel bad, he seems so lonely shut up in his little shack, despite this being apparently the 'good' choice in the quest. The gameplay is also better imo, getting rid of the ability to basically make your character into an unkillable, super speed God was just stupid in Oblivion. The low level cap and less extreme stat effects make you actually choose carefully when you level up, forcing you to specialise with the low level cap and making it so, even if you're smart about stat distribution, you always have to put in some effort and play smart, you can't just make yourself invincible. Also, with the lower money influx, money is still an issue even near the end of the game, which wasn't the case in Oblivion if you did a couple of numerous options to basically farm money to an insane degree. You're actually forced to be good at the game, to get good with the weapons, choose smart and not be wasteful, not just do a couple of cursory quest schools which are basically like cheats at the end of the day. The world is better as well if you ask me. The Inner DC area is so friggin' cool, so tense when inside, and so expansive and beautiful yet imposing at the same time. There was nothing like that in Oblivion, just endless fields and hills which, even if it was bigger as a map, might as well not have been. It was boring and repetitive, I fast travel a lot less in Fallout than I did in Oblivion, simply because I enjoy traversing the map a lot more. I also think that the Metro system is a great replacement for the boring and repetitive dungeons in Oblivion, it's integrated into map exploration in a beautiful way, as opposed to just being in/explore/out and you're back where you started. The only reason I ever did the random dungeons in Oblivion was to raid them, because I wanted stuff, not because I enjoyed the process, far from it. I often find myself down in Metro in Fallout just because I love the atmosphere, moving around the map, varying between outdoor/Metro system is great fun, the variation makes a big difference to me. And lastly, but most importantly, GUNS. I'm sorry, but the combat in Oblivion was a joke: run at your enemy and, pretty much, button mash. Blocking and timing your hits served a vague purpose, but nothing special, and a higher stat character would always win even if the enemy was smart with blocks/timing. The ranged combat in Fallout knocks the socks of Oblivion for me, sure Oblivion had bows, but that doesn't even come close to making up for it, melee weapons were the meat of combat in Oblivion and that just sucked for me. In Fallout, stealth actually plays a valuable and strategic role, as well as being more demanding. In Oblivion it was just a case of getting your visibility down far enough and being unkillable since no one could see you. With the inclusion of, and focus on, guns in Fallout, stealth really comes in to it's own, you can be a run and gun guy, a quiet sneaky guy with a silenced pistol or the like, or even a sniper, and all work differently in the different environments in the world map, open plains, Inner DC, indoor, underground etc. You actually have to work with the immediate landscape and smart use of varying cover is essential for a good gunner. It may be a simple point, but the focus on guns in Fallout MASSIVELY improves combat for me, which was the major downside of Oblivion for me, the combat was soooooo damn boring and unrewarding of skill, just about stats and boosting. I honestly can't see why people don't recognise Fallout 3 as the great game that it is, it's deserving of such massive praise, yet gets pushed down under Oblivion because of the established following present. Seriously, it just blew me away when I started playing, and every time I go back to it I find a couple more small things that I love, it's the height of Bethesda's RPG brilliance in my eyes, come on people, little more love?
Pegasi Delta put up a lot of very good points in his points and am surprised to find myself agree with all of them. I love Oblivion and Fallout 3 but Fallout 3 is just a better game. All Oblivion has over Fallout 3 is some of the Kickass mods but you use a 360 so get Fallout 3. And the DLC is infinitely better for Fallout 3 so go with it.