Hey everyone. I'm pretty new to ForgeHub account-wise, and this is my first map to be posted. It's a Mongoose Skate Park based off of SCARFAC3D's two SK8 PARKS. It is my second attempt at a Park, my first being crowded and a little Noobish, IMO. Onto the pics. The Double Wall Quarterpipe, with two mongooses to drop in with. A Bridge Quarterpipe, it's main use being to ramp over the truck. The Blue Tunnel, a Geo-Merged open box with man cannons. I mainly built this just to have it, and to fill space. The Kicker/Box, with a grav lift to deploy to get to the Aerial Grind. The Aerial Grind, the main grind rail in V.1. This was originally going to be a spiral but that'd be a bit too hard to grind. The Fence Quarterpipe drop in to Stair Ramp. And, thats it so far for V.1. A bit empty, but hey, rather Empty than Crowded! DOWNLOAD LINK! EDIT: Don't know why pics are so small..
in comparrisonto scar faces, this isnt that good its got some new stuff but the others are better this looks thrown together mabey get your pics to all work and mabey largerhtan thumbnails
I remember being in your party when you were working on this it came out great the only problem was the door grind If you still have it atleast.. My gamertag is St4plgun if you didnt know..
Thanks for the feedback guys, i'll fix the pics another time. Gonna shut the comp off for now, also, St4pl i don't think i know you.