Fallen Falcon

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by TrueDarkFusion, Jan 16, 2008.


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  1. Naylz C02

    Naylz C02 Ancient
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    Re: Millennium Falcon

    Because u people are blind i'll explain. First i'll apologize for my first post and explain why i was so harsh and why i didn't post any help.
    Ok first off the only thing on this map is the Falcon, ouside of some sheild doors. The sheild doors are useless to a point, they are a good way to protect the people trying to get the falcon. But you should remove them. Why? well you have no cash left on the map to edit with. you need something else on the map other than the falcon to make this actually playable. The next thing is inside the ship all you have is a few walls and its not level or smooth to walk on. Nothing realy creative inside. So other than weapons and a wall to hide behind other than a sheild door their is no reason to enter. So you need more cash to edit with so get rid of the shield doors. Or if you must make this a KOTH only map so people will enter the Falcon. Next the ship is too big. no you say? well how much cash do you have? none.... so make it smaller and move the ship to the middle of the map not the corner where it will depend on where you spawn weather u live or die. Next is the warthog, remove it. I played a few games on this map and no one was useing it and when they did they died right after. And why did you put fusion coils next to it? its allready easy to destroy. Anyway other than the idea of a turrent to make it more like the movies ship its useless and not a playable part of the ship. Again i'll say the ship needs to be in the middle of the map because it makes it fair for everyone. you don't need Foundarys walls to use as guide lines for building ur map. yes i know im basicly asking you to start over. but you have built it once you can do it again and make it better, trust me. Next is the window panels ur useing to build the cab. they looked nice on the pelican because the rest of it was sorta blocky like that. to me it looks like a pile of objects just randomly tossed there. I understand what ur trying to do but on the movies ship its circular sorta. so instead of makeing something u really can't make look nice just use a fence wall and something else. its not gonna be perfect. this is kinda like that turrent deal on top... it a great idea but looks horid and not vary usefull altho this cab u made is more usefull thand the turrent. Next this is the sheild door by the ramp going into the ship. It give the person inside more protection than needed. I stood inside and waited for my freind to eneter, i had a shotty and him a BR. so he waited for the right moment, well instead my other freind started to BR from the outside just after he spawned. I ran out stole the kill and then killed my next freind as he tried to enter. so i beleive its gives the people inside to much coverage and prolly should be removed. Something you could add is thrusters on the back to make it more like the real thing.. again ur prolly gonna have to move the ship away from the wall to do this. but it makes it feel more real. i used sheild doors and i plan on adjusting mine to make it more rectangular instead of squareish lol. or you could use mancannons? or gravlife.
    If you feel ur map is great thats awesome don't change it then but this is what i thing and i beleive this site is here so we can help each other make our maps better.

    All in all ur map needs work from a playable point of view. From a Replica or sorta more realistic is great. Please think about these things and adjust them so that TrueDarkFusion's remarke about it being playable stands true. Please use these ideas or even take my map and make it better? im open to opinons also.

    I apologize again for being so harsh but seeing you get so much praise for this make and how much work it actually needs pissed me off. I mean i spent a long time on my Map also, and to see someone else get so called credit for something i thought was bad upset me. But my opinon on the map is that it needs work. As for everyone elses comments meh don't bother me people can say what they like and thats fine.

    Please let me know if you need my help or didn't understand something. If you insist im still to harsh or as a staff member told me that i Flamed you then im srry.
  2. Mags

    Mags Ancient
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    Re: Millennium Falcon

    Naylz you've insulted me and my map for no reason you've embarrassed yourself by even comparing our maps you have personally dissed this website and now you want me to accept your apology for get it the only reason you post your belittled thoughts here was to get attention of others instead of just sending me pm's, and then you tell me how to fix my map and ask if i want your help what were you thinking?, you dont know me and i tend to take all of this personally so do me a favor never post here or send me a message again!!!
  3. Naylz C02

    Naylz C02 Ancient
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    Re: Millennium Falcon

    well im srry you feel that way. But i thought of something else we could add. i know you got sorta a trap door i guess. but in the movie they hide in a secret compartment that Han said he used for smuggleing goods. maybe a small crawlspace where u could find rockets? or camo?
  4. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Re: Millennium Falcon

    Naylz, your extremely long post did actually contain constructive criticism and that's good. It's obviously your opinion that this map needs work, and you addressed the points that make you feel this way. The last two paragraphs at the bottom of said post severely let it down however, considering you pretty much flame his map and then patronise him.

    Aside from all this tiresome drama, I actually quite like the suggestion of incorporating the smugglers compartment, that would be pretty cool if you're considering remaking the falcon, Mags.
  5. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    Re: Millennium Falcon

    This is an aesthetic map it does not have to be playable.
  6. Biggles2

    Biggles2 Ancient
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    Re: Millennium Falcon

    yeah if he tried to change bits of it to make it playable it might make it look worse, personally i think it looks awesome the way it is good job :D
  7. x blade x68

    x blade x68 Ancient
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    Re: Millennium Falcon

    I love these maps I have downloaded the scarab and the millennium falcon. They are great!
  8. walloffame92

    walloffame92 Ancient
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    Re: Millennium Falcon

    That would be an awesome idea
  9. Mags

    Mags Ancient
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    Re: Millennium Falcon

    thats what im worken on with the infection gametype still has some issuses because it feels more like slayer than infection even though thats what i was kind of going for but somthing just dosent feel quit right when your playeing this

    CATERBIRD Ancient
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    Re: Millennium Falcon

    i think you should make like a star wars training ground or something. make good use of the covenent weopons, like using a barior and plasma canons to force people to duck under the incoming fire.
  11. walloffame92

    walloffame92 Ancient
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    Re: Millennium Falcon

    umm wat u could do is give the humans pistols (blaster) and possibly a single energy sword inside the falcon (lightsaber) w/ no respawn

    and for the zombies turn the initial zombie count up higher and turn their forced color white. im not sure what weapons you could give them (definately no shotties)

    and put it on a timer so if any humans are left alive wen the game ends, they win... but sorta like the cat n mouse map, u could put a timer on some of the objects to reveal a second entrance towards the end of the time limit to help even up the odds (like a teleporter or something)

    I dont know, those are ameteur suggestions from an ameteur forger so there not perfect and I know that some of the suggestions might change the gameplay, like if the humans can pick up the sword, they can also pick up whatever weapons you give the stormtroopers..? Its kindof confusing to get everything just the way u would want it isnt it?

    CATERBIRD Ancient
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    Re: Millennium Falcon

    thos are actually good suggestions ya know, i forgot all about forcing color.... LOLZ :squirrel_giggle:
  13. walloffame92

    walloffame92 Ancient
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    Re: Millennium Falcon

    Oh oh and you know u could actually make the alpha zombie black or something and give him a sword too for Darth Helmet lol, the only problem would be i think is that if you make more than one initial zombies, then they would all be alpha?

    wait wait wait, you could turn the initial zombie count down to 1 and have him set as Darth Vader (energy sword and forced color black) and then give him like a faster speed and maybe a *slight* boost in damage resistance, and then every human that he kills becomes a stormtrooper(im thinking carbines with a forced white color). I think that it would balance out since the humans would have the stronghold(the falcon) and the zombies would have a more powerful arsenal of weapons. I dont know? Anyway those are some kool ideas I had so I hope they help u out with ur gametype cus it really is a beautiful map
  14. I Cottage I

    I Cottage I Ancient

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    Re: Millennium Falcon

    This is very well built.
  15. Naylz C02

    Naylz C02 Ancient
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    Re: Millennium Falcon

    you could try 2 alpha zombies black, with sword and then humans brown for jedi, normal zombies can be white and have lazers as normal weapon. both jedi and the alpha or sith lords can have more speed and jumping ability. (less gravity) i useds this idea on Highground to see if haveing the highground is better >.> lol
  16. Mags

    Mags Ancient
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    Re: Millennium Falcon

    wallofflame thats exactly what im doing with the colors but only only hard part is giving weapons to the rebels and storm troopers
  17. Mags

    Mags Ancient
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    Re: Millennium Falcon

    lol just for that i forgive you ish :squirrel_giggle: still angry but ill get over it
  18. walloffame92

    walloffame92 Ancient
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    Re: Millennium Falcon

    well good luck with that. When do u think you are gonna have the Game Variant ready? I know that you might have to add stuff just to make the map playable (like bunkers or something? I bet it will turn out awesome..
  19. x zlilly21 x

    x zlilly21 x Ancient
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    Re: Millennium Falcon

    looks sweet
  20. Yama Sensei

    Yama Sensei Ancient
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    Re: Millennium Falcon

    Your imagination truly is a spectacular thing. now make a tie fighter and an X-Wing.

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