Does anyone know how to re-associate the windows Live ID's to gamertag yet? My GT is still set up on my wife's e-mail ... :-\, I also heard that this feature is a bit buggy, has anyone used it yet?
I really liked the Inside Xbox links they now give us right below the Gamertag. Anyone else watch the Fall Update features video with Major Nelson? I think Marketplace browsing is a lot easier now, because once I get use to it is should go much, much quicker now. Also sorting the video section was a good suprise. (Finally)
They shouldve had Major Nelson watching the video of himself watching the video of himself which was watching the video of himself for infinity. You know like those double mirror things
Why do they ignore the mysterious dissappearnace of the "mono" sound option? I have a crappy TV with only the white and yellow co-ax ports, so any sound directed at the right speaker gets lost. The mono option used to be there, but it's been MIA for a couple of years now -_- ~Jakester1024
So no Live for H1? Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! I am so bummed. If I win some of the prizes TDF is talking about, I may me able to still get it.
Haha, YES. It's probably the most played game on XboxLive to date. Halo 3 will almost definately pass it eventually, but for now I would guess that Halo 2 has the most games played.
Friends of Friends turned out to be the most useful addition that we have seen. ;D Now everyone on Forge Hub can network and play with each other as many of our lists would have otherwise been full. Plus Forgetacular Friday gamertag for a nice organized .list.
I like it... I can find old friend's and host a clan gamertag now. W00T FOR FRIENDS OF FRIENDS!!! This also allows me to technically keep more people on my FL since I could use other Silver Accounts to keep track of certain groups of friends (like my clan).