Falcon Ridge Map centered around taking the strategically advantageous high ground. Grab the sniper rifle and head to the lookout. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Symmetrical Map is split into two sections. The high ground and the low ground. There are three stairways up to the high area. Once on the high ground you gain access to a sniper rifle and even further along a sniper tower. The high ground has bunker like slits to shoot from. There is a back corridor hidden from view and the central corridor houses a rocket launcher and shotgun. Look out for the spots which to throw grenades into areas below or on the other side of the wall. Should work for all gametypes. View of Slits and lookout/sniper tower. High Ground Area Back Corridor IF YOU FIND ANY PROBLEMS LET ME KNOW
I like that you made it into different sections.. The ground level seems too open .. and with that open bunker, that will be the main problem. The map is escapable.. from the pics. Where the windows are, you could jump through and out you are.
I like the design and the idea of the map my only issue is some parts look like they could use neatening up like the upside-down double boxes could use merging in to prevent pesky grenades escaping through the gaps and 4-foot bumps with every step.
i like the design very beautiful. ok now on to what will make your map epicness, it looks escapable and the floor isnt merged so when you play it will be bumpy and grenades wont bounce right, besides that i love it!!