Fail Valley International Speedway

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by penguinmessiah, Mar 8, 2008.

  1. penguinmessiah

    penguinmessiah Ancient
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    Though I was not a forgehub member when I created this map, I thought I would post it here because the tutorials and threads I read on this website helped me create this map. Without knowing how to interlock/merge objects with each other and the actual map, this track would have been completely impossible to create.

    The following is an almost word for word copy of the map in my file share - it currently has 125 downloads, 12 ratings, and a 5 star average.


    Fail Valley International Speedway is a typical banked raceway featuring four extremely smooth banked curves, two main straights, a pit facility with eight garages - each with their own mongoose, and many other features, including advertising boards on the back straight, grandstands on the front, and all the usual stuff you would find on a typical oval track. It supports up to eight players in close, fast-paced racing on a smooth, un-broken track. Everything on Fail Valley International Speedway is perfectly merged together, and includes a pit entry and exit sunken into the floor to allow the smoothest possible pit stops.

    Pics :






    Although the track was designed to be compatible with a VIP gametype similar to Racetracks, the lap time is shorter than the minimum destination movement time of ten seconds - which means that every now and then a lap will be completed which doesn't cound towards your score. Sadly, this means that there is no way of scoring a race aside from honour rules.

    Thank you to everyone who makes the forge community what it is, and to all those who created the tutorials - as you can see, there is a whole lot of merging in this map which makes it what it is! Thank you forgehub!

    Please rate and comment on if you like it.

    BASED GOD likes this.
  2. Striker 29

    Striker 29 Ancient
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    Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval

    Looks really good. Can you post your File Share? I'll download it.
  3. Blade Monkey751

    Blade Monkey751 Ancient
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    Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval

    I have to say this is one of the most well interlocked racetrack I've seen yet, shows alot of interlocking skill.

    For those of you that cant find the map it's here.
  4. penguinmessiah

    penguinmessiah Ancient
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    Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval

    Thank you guys. I feel like a noob for missing out on the link. :squirrel_rubberduck:
    Thanks again.
  5. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval

    This is much better than most of the other 'speedway' themed maps. The amount of time you spent on it really shows, and it looks incredibly nice.
  6. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval

    This map is well forged, but could use something to make it different from other race maps, perhaps obstacles that spawn later in the game.

    Another thing is that all of the mongeese do not spawn in the same area, and there is nothing to stop a player from sitting inside the goal area, and scoring points, which make me think of this as more of an aesthetic racing map, but in that regard it is very good!
  7. penguinmessiah

    penguinmessiah Ancient
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    Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval

    Well when I realized that the regular VIP scoring system wouldn't work, I decided to forego the game mechanics in favour of making an extremely well constructed track. If the gametype worked I might've made it foolproof - but it certainly wasn't worth ruining the look of the map if you can't properly score it anyway.

    Hey, as long as your friends aren't morons who'd rather cheat than have a fun race, it's still great to play on.
  8. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval

    The map is fine as it is, I like it a lot.

    Unfortunately, the general public does consist of morons, so to make it more widely playable you may want to consider fixes, possibly two seperate versions, one with great beauty, one with great playability.
  9. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval

    This map looks amazing! 5/5 Nice work.
  10. Dindar The Grey

    Dindar The Grey Ancient
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    Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval

    Looks wonderfull. Will have to download it.

    I will comment once i have played it.
  11. xRageATMx

    xRageATMx Ancient
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    Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval

    well i have to say you did an excellent job on this map....However, wheres the challenge?? My map "Halo International Raceway" at least holds a decent enough challenge to keep it fun. Your map is very well made (i dont even want to imagine how much time it took you) but how long will you continue to race in a *small* oval at painstakingly {smooth} speeds? Halo international raceway can easily be said its the first oval track....yours is great too but why did you have to name it with "International"? Surely there are others if you even watch nascar...{cough} Motorspeedway maybe?? o well nice that its done you should have enough time to go have a social life maybe??lol
  12. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval

    Rage, please don't advertise your map in other people's threads, especially map threads.
    Your post is also rather insulting to Penguin here, I don't know if he is offended by it, but you may want to tone it down a bit.
  13. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval

    Sexiest Oval i've ever seen. May I take it out to dinner?
  14. penguinmessiah

    penguinmessiah Ancient
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    Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval

    A map does not have to be 'challenging' to be good. Have you played this with three of four friends? It's fun as hell. It's simple by design - people with different skill levels can therefore be involved in close racing with each other.

    I've never played Halo International raceway. It was named the way it was because I wanted to use 'fail' in it, and it seemed funny to me to put that together with a pointlessly long, official-sounding name.

    Thank you to everyone else, particularly you, Gerbil, for the comments and constructive criticism.

    Halostriker, she's all yours. Bring her back by midnight!
  15. xRageATMx

    xRageATMx Ancient
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    Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval

    i do apologize if that came across rather have made an excellent map...and ill leave it with that.

    oh and i wasnt advertising my map...****, my maps just about run its course...............
  16. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval

    Sweet! Im gonna do things like play with her....... In monopoly.
  17. Fluffy Pie

    Fluffy Pie Ancient
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    Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval

    Looks like a nice simple race track. I love thoses. Yay!
  18. Perfectdarkl33t

    Perfectdarkl33t Ancient
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    Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval

    Its an awesome racetrack map, you could just race around without even a Gametype, hell just drive around in Slayer.

    Thats what I do in Rat's Nest and Sandtrap.
  19. Dindar The Grey

    Dindar The Grey Ancient
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    Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval

    I think it is a great map and allows for very close races. The scoring works most of the time (if set to 10sec) but it doesn't really matter. It is very fun and well made.
  20. abixenator

    abixenator Ancient
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    Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval

    Though I don't specifically enjoy NASCAR-like tracks (no obstacles, repeating circles/ovals), I will say unbiasedly that this is a good map. Great job.

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