
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by ICanHazH34DSH0T, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. ICanHazH34DSH0T

    ICanHazH34DSH0T Ancient
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    Time changes, and so does the arena. 2-10 Players

    Fade is a small map that does not contain much cover or geometry in the beginning of the match. After one minute, dusk aproaches and the geometry is added to and new weapons spawn. After two minutes, night falls and the map becomes full. Now for more detail.



    In the afternoon the map starts off kinda plain with not much cover and not many weapons. The main layout is basic and the rocket launcher is not accessable, but it taunts you. The sniper is the strongest power weapon avaliable at this time.

    Weapons at this time:
    4 BRs
    1 Mauler
    1 SMG
    1 Sniper Rifle
    2 Assault Rifles
    1 Beam Rifle
    ^^Mauler Spawn
    ^^Sniper Spawn


    At dusk, the map gets a little darker at the explosions can start. A bridge to the rocket launcher has spawned and an easier way to the sniper spawned. Also, some new cover and a bridge to the top of mauler spawn has been created.

    Weapons added this time:
    1 Rocket Launcher
    1 Active Cammo
    ^^Rocket Bridge
    ^^Cammo Spawn


    At this time, the map is completed. New bridges and cover are spawned and so is a shield door next to mauler spawn. New weapons have appeared as well.

    Weapons added this time:
    1 Spartan Laser
    1 Shotgun
    1 Energy Sword
    ^^Spartan Laser Spawn
    ^^Sword Spawn
    ^^New Bridge and Shotgun Spwan

    The one thing about this map that will probably put a knife in people's hearts is that there is 0 interlocking. I made the map for fun in about one hour. Care was still put into the map, but I did not want to waste more time with interlocking on map that was just for fun times. I believe this map is fun and you shold give it a try.

    The map supports slayer. Yes only slayer, which is what it was designed for. I recomend 2v2 slayer or FFA with around 5-6.

  2. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    first time I've SEEN this though people have talked about it. well done. is it escapable though? are the other weapons over powered? does game play become boring ? how long of a day "passes" and then how long is your night? eternal nights?

    well done sir I like this.
  3. ICanHazH34DSH0T

    ICanHazH34DSH0T Ancient
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    Why thank you good sir. The map cannot be escaped. The weapons even out because there are so many that can combat eachother nicely (like sword and shotgun). Gameplay does not get boring after a while because the map is changing, giving the player more places to rome; Also, the changes in light are give the map a more difficult feel unless you haz nightvision. Dusk comes after one minute of gameplay and night comes two minutes after the start, and night lasts the rest of the match/round. Thanks for the questions. The helped clarify the map.
  4. a P3Rson

    a P3Rson Ancient
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    i like the idea of more weapons, less light i'll dl
  5. ReactantMercury

    ReactantMercury Ancient
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    Yeah, I have to say doesn't look like you put any real effort into it,

    2 out of 5
  6. stone0043

    stone0043 Ancient
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    i really like the use of different times, i think this would make for very interesting gameplay. 4/5
  7. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    The map itself doesn't look like it took a lot of time.
    I like the day to night thing though, even though it's not original. (I got flamed for using it awhile back. =/)
  8. Big Boy 2013

    Big Boy 2013 Ancient
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    The layout looks a little cluttered, and not any interlocking is visible... But maybe make it look like it was planned. And are there gravity hammers on it? Thats an easy way to get out of a lot of maps. Otherwise, its an ok map.
  9. ajpsk8

    ajpsk8 Ancient
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    Eh, its an ok map. Clean up the map a bit, interlock the boxes that contain the map for a better Aesthetic feel. Also, add another row of boxes on top as I escaped this map with a gravity hammer as well as a simple head jump.

    Anyways not a bad map. Its fun to play but with honor rules. Take out some of the weapons. There are way to many on such a small map.

    The night-day change goes well with this map, although it is not very unique. But still, it plays good.

    Fiesta Slayer is very fun on this map

    overall, it doesn't seem like much time nor effort went into this map BUT you do have a clear vision of a what is a good map


    ps. about your sig, that's actually the way most people think, so if you want some more downloads, put some time into making a nice interlock.

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