Download Fade Out Observatory NY holds the secret to Youth but now .. Two teams must battle to the death over who recieves the mysterious award. Will they die or will they live forever.. Play it now and figure it out ?? This map was made for Team King 2-8 players.. Team slayer 2-6 players.. and Capture the flag 2-6 players... I have been working back and forth on this map between others and ive been editing and testing it out constantly.. Also dealing with random people who randomly join and delete all my progress. Can You please spare me a download and try it out?? This map is slightly small but there are items in the map to take care of that. The pictures may not show it but I have shield doors at each side to prevent spawn killing. because when i tried my map out i kept getting spawn killed. - The next pics are overviews of the maps structure and shape. There is a Ghost in the middle of the map but the two spartan lasers and the brute shot off to the side of the middlish- area take care of those. I dont really recomened using the Ghost unless you have to cause its easy to get killed in this map... Once again.. Please download this map I really need the downloads for my hard effort.. Oh! Here are some action pics : Also check out my maps : Warsaw MLG Royalty Thanks for looking at this post il be sure reply to you.. Weapons list : 2 spartan lasers - 60 second respawn 1 Energy sword -30 second respawn 1 Brute shot- 30 second respawn-2 spare clips 4 Battle Rifles-30 second respawn- 1 Ghost 150 second respawn Not sure about the plasma grenades however ... Made by St4plgun
I can see the map, but it seems that certain quantities are making it look dull... There are no Aesthetics, which I can understand. But it's too bland for my taste. I would probably get bored after 2 matches
I like how you did it in some parts, but you should have interlocked the floor in the first picture. It looks kind of messy there. Maybe it could use some more information, but otherwise it looks very pretty. 4/5. Good map sir.
some of those floor boxes need to be interlocked but otherwise its a good map a bit to small for a shotgun so dont use one of those
Nice map but try interlocking more of the floor and mabye replacing the two spartan lasers with maybe shotguns or sniper just a though. downloads to test out
Il post up a V2 for you guys and add in all your suggestions thanks for the suggestions too For some reason my replies count as double posts can some1 tell me why ??
I would appreciate some sort of picture with the layout because as far as I can tell it's just like 3 really small areas. More precise interlocking always looks nice too.
I love the idea but the layout is kinda wierd and maybe add some kewl features so people will want to show off your map to others and be like " hey check this out"
My v2 on this map is made i fixxed most of your problems so il release it next week. I interlocked all of the floor so you wont find many objects that i havnt spent time into and i replaced the spartan lasers with the snipers I loved the suggestion.ALl the maps i have made now will have V2s next week so be prepared for pure ownage.