Factory Created by yorgie g Supported Gametypes: capture the flag,assualt,team slayer Map Description this is a factory, most factorys make item used every day but not here, we make weapons bombs and tanks here this symetrical objective/team slayer map is a 6vs6 map and is breakable weapon listim not sure right now i'll go and check later) 2 battle rifles 2 plasma pistols 2 spikers 2 snipers[1 clip] 2 fuel rod cannons[no clips] 2 shotguns[no clips] 2 carbines 2 smgs 1 needler 1 power drain 2 flares 2 tripmines 2 regenerators 2 bubble sheilds now for pics defender base attacker base middle bridge flag return room (same on each side) i know the pics are small but i dont know how to make them big on photobucket and last but not least Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Decent for a nublet, one thing i suggest is to make the pics bigger. Edit: I find that Imageshack works better if you want larger pictures
click here for a guide http://www.forgehub.com/forum/custo...edding-your-screenshots-your-maps-thread.html
ok now i'll comment. looks pretty good, nice interlocking and stuff. but some of the power weapons are too close together, like putting two fuel rod guns right next to each other. so that may pose some problems during gameplay. 3/5
A lot of those boxes are off a bit to the right in the pictures, but other than that, it looks good for someone who's new. Are those two little rooms behind the fusion coils and truck connected? Thanks for being up to standards. It really shows that you've looked at other posts and want people to download your map.
i REALLY like the tunnel on the side, and more aesthetics would be nice, (you could put a ffencewall and on the other side put like a rocket launcher or something good, but make it unaccesible)
k, me and axisomni just tweaked it a little... the fuel rod guns were replaced by brute shots and there were fence walls added to see the crane and theres a cage with weapons that u cant get to... idk why he put that in there... also we lowered the bridges so you cant jump on them to get on top of the huge bridge but you can still get on the walls. axis says hes too lazy to fix it -.- anyways, i forget what else we fixed but the map is a bit nicer now and we plan on working on it again soon. by the way, i just remembered that we fixed the ramp on the side with the deck truck so its a smoother walk and hopefully we can do the same on the other side since there's that bump at the top. there's still a bunch of wonky walls but its too hard for us to fix it, so if you can help, send a message to yorgie g. thats all for now. p.s. justin, if you want i can delete this post so you can put it on the first post. just lemme know
This looks very cool and unique. I like the layout and the idea. It looks flawless and like you put alot of time and effort into it. ITs also very creative.