Factory Seige

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Drayne O, May 21, 2008.

  1. Drayne O

    Drayne O Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Factory Siege
    Created By Drayne O and Nubbins12

    Supported Gametypes:
    Slayer, Team Slayer, CTF, Juggernaut, Territories, Oddball, Assault

    Map Description
    This was a map created as a collab between me, Drayne O, and my friend, Nubbins12. This is our first serious forge map and we have high hopes for it, for it has gone thru much testing with friends during custom matches, etc. All the tweaking has been done, and all aspects of the map have been double checked. The map consits of 2 bases that are the same as each other, and have 4 plasma grenades, a barrier, and a sniper rife. In the center is an arrangement of boxes and an area we refer to as "The Courtyard". It includes a bridge with a shotgun and regenerator on it, and in the center of the courtyard is a grav lift. In the back center of the map is a tower which at the top, has one open single box, with 2 turrets, but they are out in the open, explaining the sniper rifes in the team bases, that way the turrets pwn, but are very vulnerable. Inside the box is another sniper rifle, a radar jammer, and a teleport reciever node, for in the courtyar, there in a hole in the tower, with a dowuble open box with active camo, ONE firebomb grenade, and a teleport sender node, sending you to the top tower. You will see in the video that i posted on YouTube, the link is below the description. Another way to the top of the tower is from either the left or right, where stairs take you from an area of 2 corner walls, to a pathway going behind the top story of the tower. There are 2 ramps on each side of the top of the tower going to the top, and in the middle is a little nook with 2 grenades, a rocket launcher, a trip mine, and a propane tank and some traffic cones. While taking the stairs up to the tower is useful, the double boxes you're walking across are open, and on the underside is 2 Battle Rifles and an Energy Sword. While also atop the tower, you can look to the right or left and see 2 floating platforms, which have sniper rifles located at the top, which is a good, but open sniper point, open for balance. After you get atop the ramp, you can jumponto the lip 2 feet away, walk across it, and jump onto a sheild door perced in the windowsil with the fan, again open, but it has a sniper rife. Also, in the corner of the bases where the room with the open wall is, is where flag return/spawn points are, and also in assult, that is where you plant the bomb. There are no secrets to this map and works on almost any game type.

    Youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56qnWxH1frY
    Main view of the map from the right side, tower is in the center

    View from direct center, courtyard in Center, opening to active camo and teleporter node in hole in center back wall, tower = center back wall

    View from behind the top of the tower

    Tower on the left, Sniper platform in center right

    A more direct upper view of the map, tower in the center

    Better view of sniper platform, with other platform in windowsil on left

    Staircase to behind tower + Lower right = Tunnel To Energy Sword

    View from behind Tower, nook with rocket launcher visible in middle

    To the left and right of the tower are these areas with 2 corner walls, and brute shots in farthest corner, brute shot visible on far left


    LINK ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56qnWxH1frYThank you to Nubbins12, he helped me make this map and helped me with placing and came up with several good ideas. This map took forever to make and many errors were made and we have been tweaking this map forever, but after double-checking every aspect of the map, it is ready.

    Main Testers for All Gametypes (CTF, Slayer, Territories etc): Drayne O, Nubbins12, gF0rce14, commanthe2, jforevery, Moonara

    And other testers include the friends of these people, but didnt test the map more than once.

    Download Factory Seige

    No Game Varients are needed for this map, Classic CTF, Oddball, Territores, Slayer, Team Slayer, Juggernaut, or any other gametype besides VIP should work fine on this map
    #1 Drayne O, May 21, 2008
    Last edited: May 21, 2008
  2. Drayne O

    Drayne O Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Images just wont work no matter where i upload them...-_-

    Edit: oh crap double post, could someone delete this? i thought i was editing the post ^^
  3. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    You didn't Upload them, they are linked to BNet, you can't do that.
    Save the images to your computer then upload them to www.photobucket.com
    It works
  4. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You have to delete it.
    Fix the screens, quickly. Most people cant be bothered watching vids
  5. looks great for a beginner but also try some filling more of the areas and look at some of the forging 101 to get some ways to make better maps
  6. The SEEJ

    The SEEJ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    some of your images are not working
  7. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah i find that photobucket works best and then all ypu gotta do is copy the [​IMG]
  8. oOo FuRyZ oOo

    oOo FuRyZ oOo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i cant see your pics :(
  9. Drayne O

    Drayne O Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i fixed the screenshots, enjoy

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