hey im making a map tht has lik an industrial feel, and i was wondering if any1 had some ideas on types of objects i can incorporate into it. lik for example objects tht can be forged so offices,machinery,weapon layout?, aesthetic touches?
You can try making a pallet conveyor belt switch. An example can be found here: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/featured-halo-maps/9538-pallet-parade.html This is Cosmic Rick's Pallet Parade It's actually a fairly simplistic switch and if you are gong for a warehouse type feel you may want to include a working conveyor belt. It would make the map feel more realistic to it's original theme while including the "wow factor."
thx for the idea but i dont wanna be "stealing" and it looks to complicated. i was just thinkin along the lines of an object tht a factory wouldnt b with out lik a crane or sumtin else
I know I can do the conveyor belt for you, kobe, but it wouldn't suit. I had an idea where we could make immovable mounted hogs as cover at ground level, though. I'll tell you more later.
Use aesthetic items to your advantage. Try to use tele writing Video here--->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFrKK6gk98A Use the overshields, camo, customs, to make lights.. Interlock them into walls.
Someone actually had a "warthog factory" idea a little while back. Came with a nice picture of windows hanging from a double box and the hogs front tires were inside of the windows or something.
I keep meaning to make a factory style map with items travelling through the map (going from one section the factory to another section). One idea I had was to have crates or dumpsters fall from the ceiling and then in to the floor, sort of like Collossus, just without the conveyor belts. There was a map (was it featured?) which took place in and around a subway station. He used wire spools and man cannons to create a train which would travel between the platforms, very clever.