Factory 06 This used to be a warthog assembly line, but when the covenant invaded Reach it was used for training for the military. This near-symmetrical map consist of 2 levels. Overview of the map Initial spawn-point, every team has their own ramp. But non-team spawns are all-over the map. (Red-Blue across each other) Lower part of the map Front/Back-side of the tower. Backside is closed of with two glass-covers. Sniper and shotgun spawn in the 'houses' in each corner. More detailed overview of the staircase Inside of the bases. Only the bases at the side of the two stairs is partly closed-of. Maximum height en width of the map (there is a soft-safe zone) However, you still fall to your death if you jump In the map spawn the following weapons: Assault Rifle DMR Shotgun Sniper Rifle Frag Grenade And there is a purple fx over the map Thanks for reading and I'm waiting at Factory 06!
This map looks nice but i think you should remove the purple effect, cause i think maps with purple effects aren't nice if its not infection maps
I don't agree, it really goes with the 'story' of the map. As the covenant invaded Reach they used every space to train their spartans, even at night. That's why I choose it ;-) But you can always delete it, it's underneath the map ;-)