Well basically this is the first draft for a new Halo 3 web comic I'm making called Facing Worlds. At the moment the lines are incredibley cheesey and will be changed to sound better but at the moment it's more the style of the comic, not whats actually on it! This is basically just to show the style so far so I can see how people think I should improve it, the style is not set in stone. I would like people to comment on: >What they think of the font. >Whether they think the pictures should have a cartoon effect on. >What they think of the colours used. Also I'm going to need more people to help me in lots of different ways. I'm going to need people to pose for me in pictures, as I'm currently working with just me and a second controller, and I'm going to need others who are good at forging to help me make props for the pictures! If you want to help out just send me a request on Xbox Live (My GT is the same as my username) or leave me a message on this thread. Please only constructive criticism, don't just say 'it's crap'.
I suggest changing the font, atleast to make it more legible. At this point its sort of, meh. I think cell shading would be cool, but i'd have to see it to be the judge. Colors are okay. I think you should blend the pictures in more with a background, or don't just have the background be white.
I agree with NewbAmoeba on changing the text to something more legible and the background to something more...um...less boring? Also the picture placement, I don't think overlapping pictures is a good idea. Usually for comics the whole picture has meaning, so you want to include the entire thing.