I was told to post this map here. I since I went through the trouble of embedding and formatting a huge HBO post about this, Ill just link that here. And the post regarding updates I made to the map here. Basically, for those of you familiar with Unreal Tournament (the one that came out in '99) I remade the famous Facing Worlds: After a couple playtests and a decent amount of feedback from various players with the Mythic Map Pack, I have to say, this is a pretty damn fun map. Not to mention nostalgic to the max. B.net thread here Download here Enjoy ____________________________________ EDIT: Ok apparently clicking links is too hard for some! Here's a big fatty cut and paste from the HBO thread. EDIT 2: Turns out haloscreenshots.net doesn't allow deeplinking to forgehub. Sorry about the confusion. What a debacle of a post. Fixed now. CTF - Facing Worlds As some of you already know, a few community members were lucky enough to get access to the Mythic Maps a tad bit early. After some initial fun the first night, I got down to work on something I had been meaning to do since the moment I heard about forge: recreating CTF-Face from Unreal Tournament ('99). I had attempted this on a couple of other maps, including Standoff and Blackout. On Standoff I was confined by kill zones and soft barriers and had to take a lot of creative liberties. The map played completely different and was horribly balanced. On Blackout, well I simply ran out of budget. I gave up. Sandbox was announced and shortly thereafter, the sky bubble was revealed; my interest was rekindled. This, was the end result. The Map Halo's Facing Worlds works best with 2 - 4 players per team (6 is pushing it) with Battle Rifle Spawns. The map utilizes Sandbox's budget in its entirety. Admittedly, there are a few places where I can still cut corners, but this is a fairly decent representation of what can be done with a full Sandbox budget. That said, only key weapons and equipment are placed on the map, such as the Sniper, Rocket Launcher, Shotgun, Bubble Shield and Power Drainer. Battle Rifles are not available, as it is assumed the map is to be played with BR starts. I simply had no budget left to place these. I feel it's fairly aesthetically accurate, although I did take a few creative liberties to adapt the gameplay to Halo and to work within the budget View from the Red base looking across to the Blue base. As you old school UT players will note, the center area isn't raised as it should be. I decided that, for the sake of vehicle use and efficient use of budget, that I'd keep it flat. There is a single Warthog available to each base located in front of a jump. The Warthog is sufficiently tough to maneuver along the narrow path, but a skilled driver can run a perfect loop throughout the map doing 'figure eights' to get in and out of the bases. This proves effective for flag runs. These roads are slippery when wet, take the jump at the wrong angle and this happens. ATVs are also available to each base and provide a method of travel that's easier to handle and almost as quick as the Warthog. Naturally, it doesn't have the same map dominance as a Warthog would. Below each jump is a, somewhat, hidden mancannon. Its use is mainly to provide a quick option for those travelling on foot. Should you find yourself escaping with the flag or chasing the escapee, you can duck into the mancannon after rounding the corner by the ramp. This can potentially bounce you right into your base if you do things right. It also adds extra humilation for those who don't quite make the easy jump in a vehicle, as it launches you to your death. The flag is located inside each base on the right hand side, as with the original. This makes for great grab-and-go flag captures in the Warthog. Any Facing Worlds remake would be incomplete with this, the teleporter leading to the sniper perch. This is an absolutely iconic view. If you've played UT99, you should be getting some serious nostalgia attacks here. That said, the clips in the sniper are reduced and the perch doesn't offer a whole lot of room to work with, in hopes of diminishing its power a bit. Interesting to note from this vantage point as well, is that this is the height of the sky bubble. If you were to stand on top of the coloured column (which you can't without trick jumps or forge), you wouldn't be able to jump One of the defining features of Face was the sheer power and domination one could have with the Redeemer: a small handheld nuclear warhead launcher. I felt that placing one in each base, as per the original, would be a bit overpowered. A Halo Rocket Launcher, our closest equivalent to this death bringing device, is placed on each side of the map across from each mancannon. These will help defend against any Warthogs attempting to dominate the map (along with power drainers inside each base). What's exceptionally fun is rushing the Rockets and nabbing a Warthog as it attempts to jump over you. In lieu of the Redeemer spawn and the secondary sniper perch, due to budget restrictions and the decision to limit overpowering the sniper, the middle floors of the base are replaced with an open spawn area. Think The Pit, but completely accessible from the upper sniper perch. Action Shots Here I'm using the bubble shield to save myself from a sniping goatrope above Myself using the mancannon to shoot across the map. Devin goatrope and myself in a free for all struggle in the entrance of Red Base Devin uses the Rocket Launcher to dispatch an unsuspecting goatrope Hog Beats ATV The map took around 4 hours total to create. I left my Xbox on for the two forge sessions this took and I may make a nice time lapse video in the future. Special thanks to Crab for help with some housework on the map and to Devin and goatrope for a little playtesting.
I apologize to you hawaiian, but for those of you posting in this map thread and saying "looks great, but I do not have the maps" have defined spam. If you cannot play the map, do not post in the thread. The option to post is here only to give the map creator feedback on how a map plays. You can deem very little from pictures, and your comments are useless. Feel free to subscribe to the thread for when you acquire the mythic map pack. Until than, do not post. All have been warned, and any further posts stating that you haven't played it, and cannot because you lack the maps will merit an infraction. As for the map itself hawaiian it looks great, and I'm sorry for all the trouble. You have my download.
Aw man, I was gping to make a Facing Worlds remake! D: Ah well. Looks pretty faithful to the original, great work! I'll definitely download this on Tuesday. P.S. It's be great if you would make an Unreal gametype with increased speed and damage resistance.
Just so I can get a sense of scale and budget, you say this uses Sandbox's budget in its entirety, does that mean you have $0 left or does it mean you have hit the OLN? I see on your HBO post that you used the standard objects to avoid the OLN bug. Apologies if this counts as spam, I'm just trying to get the picture in my head how big a thing you can actually build with Sandbox's budget.
I played on this yesterday and it seemed pretty fun. I loved going to the top and sniping people down below. You feel like a god until someone sneaks up from behind and beats you down
when does halo wars come out in us? in stores also great map looks like you put alot of time into it but cant playtest till i get the map
i have the maps. ive tested youre map and i think it plays very well. i especially love the sniper perch. but i fell like you could've added more. great map!
Wow! I keep getting blown away with what you really can do with Sandbox. You bases look fantastic! You incorporated a good color scheme into them instead of just the regular brown Sandbox color. The structure looks great too. For the few sandbox maps out there right now, this is great.
I did so in case I wanted to glitch later, but no, no glitches were used aside from one or two interlocks. Budget is currently at $0 or $1. Since the last update I'm not certain, but it's one of the two. That said, a full budget is around $1500, so I'm not complaining.
Wow...theres already so many sandbox maps... Im gonna have to clear out my maps and get some of these. Sandbox FTW.
Wow, this looks amazing, I can't wait to download it once the Mythic Map Pack comes out... The possibilities are endless! =D
sandbox really opens new doors... im seeing great remakes of other maps here... I actually recognize the maps with sandbox... unlike you had with people recreating maps on foundry...
pls sex me this was my most favouritest map on UT cap the flag was sweet, and i hope it stays true to that, because i cant play it with enough ppl! sweet build nice aesthetics too sniper perch is excellent, stays true to the original DDDDD
after a quick checking-out in Forge... your map is extremely sloppy, but has a cool concept, try to clean it up a bit. i have not played the map yet so i cant "give a review" or whatever but it looks like crap
Little harsh considering you haven't played it. Admittedly, though I didn't interlock every last bit (or very much at all), it's most definitely playable and a lot of fun at that. Cool to note, the latest (American) "Inside Xbox" installment about the Mythic Map Pack actually has a fly through of this very map. Pretty damn cool.
Even though I have not yet had the ability to play on your map, I'll try it out March third and I will edit this post to give my personal opinion on it. Otherwise at the end of one of the Inside Xbox Video's on the dashboard your map is featured when they mention the sky bubble.
Expected the sniper to be on one of the sides next to spawn but otherwise a good remake, could have made it much bigger though.