Okay... i got another Xbox360 for Christmas and today we went to NFM (a store) for my sister a new laptop. When we bought it they gave us a 100$ like Reward Card. Anyway, I bought GOW 2 and a 12 +1 Month with it. When i was picking my account name i was messing with my twin and put in STK OH GURRR (i believe everyone should understand that and if not get off forgehub and watch some MLG). His immediate reaction was "NOO!" so i erased it and put in STK OW GURR to piss him off a bit more. Well here is the face palm part, I clicked okay just to see if neone had used it. NOONE HAD, i was pissed i couldnt figure out how to back up and had to accept STK OW GURR as my new xbox live account. EVERY laugh that i fkd up hard enough to name myself STK OW GURR. i no "FAIL, im glad im not that kid" thats what i would be saying in a chuckling pointing rage. But truth is this BLOWS. Everyone say hello to the new STK OW GURR lol. Now i need bad name rep or some MS pts. ahh ima idiot huh...?
Agreed... I really don't see the facepalm/lol moment at this time. Then again I don't mess around with MLG doings. Also, getting a bunch of people to file a complaint on a gamer tag never work(s) in my opinion. Just spend a few bucks and get some Microsoft points to change your name. At least that's what I would do.
You couldve just shut off your 360. The same thing happened to me when I spelled something wrong, and I figured if I just shut off my 360 before it accepted it but I couldn't go back it would let me re-do it, and it did.