Fable 2 midnight release

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ToochieHxC, Oct 21, 2008.


Fable 2

Poll closed Oct 31, 2008.
  1. Love it.

    6 vote(s)
  2. Hate it.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Inbetween.

    0 vote(s)
  4. Yet to purches it.

    3 vote(s)
  1. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    So i know alot of you got it at midnight, as did I. how'd ya like it so far?
    I enjoy it, but the controlling is going to have to take some getting used to. Also, im still confused on a few things. just learning slowly is all...but that might be due to the fact that i was tired before we got the game. dead tired as we played the game. and in my attempt to stay up all night cause i have to work in the morning, i became too tired for words and it was such an effort to keep my eyes open. im babysitting right now but i have arranged for someone else to do it so im going home soon and sleeping all day :p

    Sooo back on topic, whats your thoughts so far on it?

    yay, nay....Ready, Set, Go.
  2. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I'm just staring at my pretty limited box. I find it hard to play epic games the minute I get them. I did this with Halo 3, Rockband 2, whatever other game I bought recently and now this. Though I watched IGN's video review, and I must say it pissed me off. They didn't focus on any good points and just poked at expression being "detached from the game so it doesn't feel like your character interacts with people and this has no purpose in the grand scheme". It seemed the focused on the main story too much, rather than all the extras. 8.8 hmm, I'll have to play it too decide, but I'm sure I'll find it too low.
  3. KB

    KB Ancient
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    I am planning to get the Limited Edition for the Spartan Armor and Energy sword. It looks really fun and quite amazing. If it isn't let me know but from what I see, it looks entertaining. I never played the first one so I do not know what to expect. Please let me know if its good or not! =]
  4. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I have yet to purchase it, but I'll give my review later on.
  5. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    I got it last night :D

    I only played for a bit tough, and i was doing co op with this dumb ***** who kept running off by herself, making my camera shitty :]
  6. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I just got it =D Though I have yet to play it, for I am leaving to go get my Driver's Learner Permit.
  7. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    lmfao thats really what it is supposed to be? Thats epic. I saw the vid but i didn't understand why he looked like MC. Just popped it in hur we go.
  8. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    I know rightt??! My dipshit friend who can't play Halo for his life (hopeless) is so set on the fact that it looks "JUST LIKE MC, AND JUST LIKE THE SWORD" I'm like Woooooow, it's some garbage green armor and a double cutlass your an idiot -.- Seriously show me the resemblance.
  9. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    It really does look like a Spartan. The sword is overrated though. It's a very good game; I recommend picking it up. Don't get the limited edition unless you're interested in the dvd extras. I was disappointed with the Halo stuff. The multiplayer aspect is great!
  10. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    i hate the multiplayer :[ i think it sucks, the camera is shitty, and you cant be your own guy. being henchmen sucks lol. but just have to deal
  11. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Orly? I was gonna get the Limited edition for the special Armor and two special swords. If you say its not worth getting than I probably won't get it but I will be getting it for Christmas because I am getting Gears when it comes out. =]
  12. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    I HATE THIS!!! not the game but the fact that I can't ploay it because my xbox broke 2 weeks ago and I have the game in my hands right now (I preordered it online). Man, I really hate my luck.
  13. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Wow dude that really sucks... Like unbelievably much... I am so sorry lol... I want to get it so bad so give it to me lol. And Toochie, change the poll to "Yet To Purchase sadfaic"
  14. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Well, I've played this game the past 2-3 days? Let me say amazing. Right before I got it, I watched IGN's Video review and was left uneasy, but I am glad I went ahead and got it. It's presentation is amazing, from art design to animation, to just the world itself. It feels alive. Combat is easy, you won't "die" (because you can only pass out) but it isn't meant to be hard. No, what is so great about the combat is, killing an enemy is easy, but killing them fast, effectively, and just being epic about it is the challenge, especially by the time you get to the Crucible.

    I've been focusing on mage, and I use my sword with an augment that gives me health, but I've gotten spells to level 5, and 2 others to level 4, and it is amazingly fun to own with. And sword play is fun (though I don't specialize in it enough to do more complex moves) and deaths are quite cool. Really, I am thoroughly content with this game, and will be playing it for a long time. My only wish is I didn't go through the story as fast as I am so far =/
  15. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    In agreement with sweeny. This game is epic, and is absolutely perfect if you take it for what it is, rather than what you would like it to be, or what you thought it could be.

    Fable is by no means a "life simulation" and I think that is where the negative comments of "oh he didn't keep his promises" come from. Honestly, he did. I'm not sure if you guys have noticed, but EVERYTHING affects your appearance and how people react to you. I've gotten fat from drinking beer and eating pies, even tho I have 3 or 4 points in physique and the same in all sections of skill. Well not father rather, but burly. The visuals, graphics, combat and everything is perfect. No flaws.

    My two complaints do lie with the death systems: not much of a negative. Sure, as you progress, dying will end up costing you maybe 3-4k exp on the ground. And youll add scars, which most people hate. The real negative to dying is the time it takes to revival. This is incredibly annoying int he crucibal. So really, not that big of a negative

    Co-op. I'm sure you are all aware by niow co-op is not what anyone imagined it would be. But did he give less than he promised? No, he gave us what was promised. Two characters can join together and interact with eachothers worlds, gain experience together and take on tougher enemies. So bonus points there. Sure, the camera is kinda bad and it sucks you can't be your own guy, but co-op is useful in a few area like the crucibal, as it is much easy to perfect round with two people.

    So all in all, one of the best 360 games around, addictive as all hell and a definite buy.
  16. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    I believe it is stunning. Truly stunning. I have been waiting for this since July, which is when I pre-ordered. I originally pre-ordered the normal edition, but I then found myself wanting the MC armor, e-sword, and legendary cutlass. I loved the pub games, and got rich from the fortune's tower glitch before they patched it up. I ultimately love this game over any game that I have ever played, and enjoy it deeply. From playing the pub-games, I unlocked many things like both championship weapons, and the foods. I use my champ pistol and my champ cutlass at the moment and just love the sword combat. The gun combat is okay, but the guns aren't the best weapons. The blades and spells are certainly effective against the guards more than the pistol, as well, which is good for me because I enjoy resisting arrest. That reminds me, I love the fact that I can resist arrest and those guards think they can easily beat me because of their size and numbers over me. I managed to knock off 12 guards before one got the final blow on me the last time. If you really want to know, they were 6 of the small ones and 6 of the big ones. maybe it was 5 and 7, or 7 and 5, but that doesn't matter. Over all, the combat is awesome, the free roaming is good, the character customization is EXCELLENT. I love the dyes. I where dark red MC armor with a black assassin coat. I'm a beast, I know. If anyone would care to join me in some guard slaying, just send me a FR and we'll pick on those dumb guards.
  17. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    thaaaank you the last three posts. now THAT is a gaming discussion :]
  18. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I thought the MC suit and sword look similiar, it could fool some people...
  19. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    You're welcome.
  20. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    If anyone here is tired of their Master Chief Costume, I will gladly pay 1 Million gold for it. Hit me up on Xbox or a pm if interested :p

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