This is my race track that I built on foundry. The layout is rather simple but it is quite fun to play on. I wanted to make a wide map that was easy to drive and pass on, and that had two jumps that crossed each other in midair. It is possible to have a midair encounter, but It will normally happen with larger parties. Its set up for five people but can be altered for more (I have ensured that cheating is impossible and that the only way you can get a point is by completing a lap in your vehicle. although there are two mid air jumps it is impossible to cut the course.) WALKTHROUGH W/ PICS!!! Here is the start line (minus a few mongooses) [img width=800 height=450][/img]below it you can see the other side of the finnish line here is turn one and the first jump [img width=800 height=450][/img] Here is a good over view of the two jumps [img width=800 height=450][/img] Here I am going off of the first jump, that you saw in the last picture after this jump you land on a raised platform, take a ramp down and make a U turn to get to the second set of man cannons that you can see. This is where the in air collisions happen. Here is a view of the finnish. [img width=800 height=450][/img] the finnish is right below the start. any cheaters are stopped at this point because of two reasons. A-- If they are not in a vehicle, they are transported to a rooms of death where they are forced to commit suicide, and lose a point. (people who also fail to complete the jumps are sent to this room.) B-- if THe grav lifts prevent anyone from staying on the finish line to wait for it to change Please use any of the well known racetrack gametypes or create you own- ---Use --- VIP spawn with only pistol lowest amount of damage they can do hight gravity (this only affects people when they walk not when they drive) make sure the VIP can drive score limit of whatever you please ( I usually play 10- 15 laps) Set every one on their own team and have fun I hope that was sufficient enough for people to download and rate. any comments are greatly appreciated. [/img]
the link to the Bungie page is normally useful. right?haha
um im a little ocd and th wall in the pictures annoyes me cause its not perfect im probly not gonna dl so i cant judge on gameplay but aestheticly not good just from the pics
thats a very good map i like how its a teaser lol you can see the end but you have to go all the way through to get to it