Haha ;D I won't get a big head because the map that you were inspired by has been a gigantic fail. So don't you worry about that. And on to the next question, I guess that you already found out how to do it. Sorry that I forgot to answer your question earlier. Peace // gorebound
I'm gonna look it over as soon as I can, I'll probably have a couple of things that come to mind by then. Peace // gorebound
Multiple rooms is lots of fun, but teleporters never work great because of camping and blocking imo. Love the concept, but youre almost trying to do too much with one map
thanks for the advice do u think if i put multiple tele's in a room, that will help with the blocking? maby put two to three recv in a room two on the ground one in the air and only have one sender so that way it's random does that make any scence this was my first attempt at a map and i did spend over 4 weeks on it so ya i could see how i might have gone a little over board ! but what the hell i had a great time making the map, and a even better time playing on it but ill deffenatly keep your suggestions in mind while creating my new map
wow, this map looks amazing! I cant wait to try it out... This must have taken you forever to create! Great job! I can tell its going to take me forever to figure out this map...but when i do i bet this is going to be a keeper...