Well, it's just a one way ladder. I interlocked a mancannon into stairs then covered all the sides with bridges to hide it. Then just go up it.
Great replica of the COD4 level, and great interlocking. My time on this map was 28 seconds, and my best time on COD4 is somewhere around 17 seconds.
this is a very nice map my last post was terrible so i will now give a better review it looks like a very good game to play lots of explosives
yay fng tral. i did pretty good on the cod4 version and i might be able to do good on this ill dl later and post my time
i played this a while ago, and i definitely felt like i was playing COD4, because it is sooo close to the real thing, really nice job dude, 5/5
Looks almost exactly like in CoD4. Brings back memories trying the game out for the first time. Awesome job. Definitely gotta try it out.
Awww I can't download this yet because I already downloaded 8 maps. You did a very nice job with this map. Good job man.
Yep, this is a perfect remake of COD. And finally not COD 1,2,3 or anyWWII ones. I DL and rate 5/5. Make More Maps!(MMM).
wow 5/5 i dont often dl but this deffinately looks like its worth taking up one of my 5 remaining custom content slots :'( a realy original idea too.