Hey everyone, you might remember my forgevasion challenge. No one posted any entries so I cancelled it. Any way heres my latest dose of creamy contest goodness. I've noticed how awesome the new Highlands map is. Heres your challenge, make a map using Highlands, must be objective, invasion is ok. See what you can come up with. As with all my contests, a twist added to the gameplay will earn you more points towards winning. A one flag map with a zipline to help make the flag run would be cool, you could have a guy sitting in a warthog at the end of the zipline so you slide along it and then hop in the side seat. Infection is allowed too so long as there is an objective to it. Have fun, contest closes friday 29th of march. Good luck. Oh and that no life that told me to not take part in the forums. GTFO nub.
There are no shield doors in the Highlands forge palette or any structural items of any sort. The only cool thing I can think of to do is make a Safe Havens gametype on there where the safe havens have a set order so the humans must move in a linear fashion through the map. Hmm, that could be cool...
not everyone has highlands (ie me) so this is a really bad way to start off a contest series and I thought highlands didn't have much in the way of forge items, am I way off base or something?
this is just really bad in general. i can see why no one participated in your first contest. you have no structure to this contest at all, its just a short paragraph of you saying "dude wouldnt it be cool if...?" you havent mentioned any prizes, or any reason whatsoever why someone should give a **** about you or your contest. there are thousands and thousands of people on this forum. why should any of them want to enter your contest? not to mention, Highlands has a very limited Palette, so theres really not much that can even be done...
so it takes a skilled forger to make something with it. Learn to forge. And prizes can be arranged later. Don't ruin forgehub for others, either post a map or post ideas.
Forgehub, he made the name shorter. Unspamming: I agree with Titmar on few accounts, and sered. Not everyone has the DLC required to forge this map. I myself don't care enough to spend money on a stupid DLC that wont affect me. So already your contest has copped out the population of people who have no access to this map. If you want to say "Don't have the map? Too bad!" then we get to say "You want people for this contest? Well too bad!" I agree with Titmar for the reason that this is very, VERY poorly planned. Prizes are to be announced, no coordination, and a very unprofessional sloppy introduction. If you want to grab people, you always need a hook. Be it a graphic design, or some sort of eye candy that draws people to read on and participate. If calling people out is your method of starting a contest, I wonder how you could even manage anything at all.
the problem with a limited palette is there is nothing to work with and there ware preexisting structures on the map already, so all the maps are likely to be similar and before you diss someone (ie everybody who said the contest sucks/50% ofeveryone who posted), you might want to try making something yourself or you have nothing to back it up and you said: "as with all my contests" in your OP you said the last one got no entries, does that maybe hint at something? I would also appreciate it if you would mention the judging panel and rewards, even just running a dozen games on the map would do (for me) I have nothing against you or the idea of contests, but you might want to start with something more basic and with more details in the instructions
Objective: fight your way from one of the bases to the helicopter pad with a falcon there waiting? Would that work?
lol. you're new here, so let me clarify for you that i could have been way more of an asshole than i was. anyways, good luck on your vague contest that no one will enter <3