F.F.A. xSNIPINGx:Possibly the best free for all sniping map, maybe even the best sniping map, period. Download Map! Download Gametype! Description: Hey guys this Sniping Map is for pure Free For All Sniping. With many, many perfect sniping locations gameplay gets insanely fun and exciting. Go anywhere you want to there's spots with perfect angles everywhere. Powerups in the center spawn 3 minutes into the game but watch out when running in the open. Each location is entirely unique and well made. I've played and tested this map countless times and I have to say it is incredible especially with many players.The pics mostly say the rest. Any challengers show me a link to a better Free For All sniping map. Players: 2-10 Overview - Best overall pic I could get. Does not show everything due to most structures being located on edges of map for clear lines of sight. Pics: The Base-Cornered Fortification with more sniping locations than you think. 3-story Building & smaller/shielded spot- Very protective sniping spots with many sub-locations surrounding. The Overwatch- Great angle and view, enemies can only your see head when you can see all of them. The Bunker- Highly unique and well made dugout like fort. Back View of Bunker Main House/Explosive Trap-Great View of arena but watch out if someone picks up the powerup on the roof you better run for your life. Raised Battleground- Strategic and well-made geometry with cover. Back View of Raised Battleground The Tower- Snipe whoever you want at this tower of power, climb the stairs to the top to escape to the secret location via ledge. Overwatch Tower- Teleporters at almost every spot lead to this massive platform. Shoot up the support to the top and have access to the whole map. Warning:Highly popular area. So check it out! Ratings are Highly Appreciated! If you like sniping, why give up this great offer?
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
The link in red does not work on my computer. Do not ask me why. It has happened before. Could someone post what is wrong. Then I could see. Sorry.
well, there isnt an embedded pic but i checked out the others, and from what i see it looks just so-so
Thanks guys, I actually am in the progress of making much, much better maps. Not sayin this is bad but they will be insane. Problem is I'm workin on about 5 maps so it's a slow process.
at first i thought "here goes another horrible, wannabe map-maker with 3 posts and no pics" but then i decided to take the time to look at the pics (seeing as i am a BIG fan of sniping) and i must confess that this looks pretty well done. i have to play this with all my other sniper-loving friends. but i think that with 12 it might get a little hectic. dling now oh, and plz plz plz plz PLEASE dont make multiple posts on the same thread, just edit ur 1st one. (might wanna embed ur pics too, and i know it can get annoying with multiple people nagging you for pics but it would be alot more convenient)
this has gotta be the most unique map design i have seen for a while. great job i really love the interlocking and design it's really awesome terrific job!
this seems very fun acually the post is very good but you have to embed pics.. i hope you get some soon. but from the few links that i did press i think youd need to clean it up a bit...
If you like sniping, it definitely isn't boring. So I didn't make something perfect in the map like other maps where people spend 30 minutes on making a box straight, (not saying it dosen't look good like that). Anywhere that is not clean on this map doesn't affect gameplay at all. If it did I would change it. Update!: Embedded Pic Fixed!