Extruded (Remake of "The Longest" from Halo CE)

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Tallt66, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I am working on my entry for the forgotten treasures III contest.

    "Extruded" is an accurate remake of "The Longest", a classic Halo CE map.

    • I did a two TV side by side comparison of the original and the remake as I built it.
    • If something took 42 steps in the original then that's how many it takes in Extruded.
    • I tried to faithfully recreate the trick jumps.
    • The ladders work! Simply standing in front of them and press jump.
    • I hope to do some more play testing and I need the spawn system to be tweaked.
    In one instance I had red team spawn on blue's side during a capture the flag game for no apparent reason. Perhaps some of you guys could download and check out my spawning set up to see what went wrong because I have triple checked all of my spawn zone labels.

    If you want to download and check it out in it's current state my Gamer Tag is Tallt66 and the map is on my file share named "Extruded". It currently supports Slayer and CTF. Any suggestions would be appreciated on improving the accuracy of the map before I submit it.

    Here is a video that I recorded with a potato, enjoy!
    Halo 4 Map Remake: Extruded (The Longest from Halo CE) - YouTube

    Thanks for your time and I hope to have this completed soon!

    EDIT: If you are a young pup who has never played Halo CE and need to see some video of "The Longest" I found this one you can use for reference
    (I did not make this video, you may want to mute Chester):
    Halo Longest Map Guide - YouTube
    #1 Tallt66, Dec 4, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2012
  2. korvica

    korvica Promethean

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    I don't know if it will play well on Halo 4 but the remake seems to be very good. I have to say that I love your ladder. I would like to know what are the pieces you used to make it!
  3. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
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    I was going to remake this map, but now I'm glad I didn't, good job. Only thing I would change are the visible base lights, looks very tacky. Doesn't take that much light away when you hide them behind walls. Also the ladders look a little big. Might want to move the blocks inward to make the ladder part smaller.
    #3 Tycho, Dec 4, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2012
  4. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! It's just several of the special Ravine pieces called "Catwalk Lip" merged into the wall almost all of the way. I used the corner of two invisible gravity volumes to make the player ascend the ladder when they press jump while directly in front of it. I tested it quite a few times and it's no more difficult to climb than the real thing on Halo CE plus you move up at a comparable speed to the original. A man cannon would launch a player up much faster and wouldn't be as true to the remake and the one way shield is noisy and a bit of an eye sore in my opinion.

    I took your advice on the two lights inside the initial spawning areas but I wanted the player to be able to look down the hall and see the blue or red circle on the wall for orientation, much like the original has a blue and red circular logo on the wall in that same location.

    As far as the ladder goes it's really just a matter of creative license. The original ladders were very small. I wanted the ladder to look a bit bigger to make it more obvious to a new player that may not realize that there is an actual climbable ladder there. If I get the sense that more people do not like it I may try to shrink it down a bit.

    Also I just uploaded a slightly updated version with the hidden lights and the blocks color coded red and blue for better player orientation.
  5. UberAURORA

    UberAURORA Promethean

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    Looks very accurate, much prefer this to Elongation. Just get it done before New Year's Eve!
  6. TheJudge

    TheJudge Promethean
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    Great map! I can really see the thought that went into making this an accurate representation of the original. I noticed a slight bump once I went up the ladder and took a right, which is probably an easy fix. Otherwise looks very good. Great job.
  7. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    is this one done? Please update the OP so that it is easy to tell if it's ready to be played on... Thanks!
  8. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    I'll look at your spawn zones later cross check ctf the reason might e that if you have any Anti zone spawns that if one team is contesting a weak spawn zone they will jump to the other zone that was happening for me so I just placed set team zones for fla away it's 50 50 that they spawn where you need them 2

    Other than that looks great I do have to say I like longest better than elongation but h2 weapons made elongation funner for me than longest in h ce
  9. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Sorry I haven't updated. I was so busy during the holidays that I haven't touched Halo 4. I hate that I missed the contest deadline, but I will still finish this and post the final version soon.

    CaptinSTFU I did have a few incidents where the teams were spawning on the wrong side on rare occasions. Please explain to me again what you think will fix the issue? I admit I don't fully understand what you were trying to tell me.
  10. HatchedHarp

    HatchedHarp Forerunner

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    i loved this map on halo ce, i remember playing Shotguns ffa online was fun, i think it'd play good with Halo 4 but give players just 1 grenade, i think it'd be a mess if everyone threw grenades everywhere in such a Closed environment, goodjob looks pretty nice to me
  11. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    If you set up CTF using Respawn Zones like the 343i maps do, then spawning by the enemy flag is not unexpected. A team mate standing by a Respawn Point in an Anti Respawn Zone will help you spawn there, even if it is next to the flag. And the enemy in your base will overcome your team's Respawn Zone, preventing you from spawning on your side of the map.

    This was by design, according to CertainAffinity, so that you never spawn by an enemy. But they unintentionally violated the first of three game elements of CTF - penetrate the enemy base defenses.
  12. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    I still managed to spawn right between 2 enemies snipers on ragnarok. not near them I mean, they probably both were on a different side of the map.
  13. JaCoNDoRR

    JaCoNDoRR Forerunner
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    Love this map. Can't view the videos at work (blocked plugins....) but I will be play testing some of my maps tonight and this will be thrown into the mixer, I will let you know how it went tomorrow.

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