Extreme Racing Oldschool x2 Download Map here: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download Gametype: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Description - After my last post (Crash and Burn) a non DLC racing track being successful i decided to post the first race map i ever made called Extreme Racing. This map was made about in November so it was before any of the fancy interlocking and that stuff. In the track there are many random things making each lap unpredictable. Creators - Acid Mailbox, Bunch of Towels Information - This track is about 80% wide for passing and 20% close quarters. The mongeese look a little uneven but they are all completely equal. The track takes off into a cliff making the leader unpredictable at the start. This leads into the first cave taking you into two turns and down the valley. Breaking through the gate you take a round-a-bout into a room that could....ill let you find out. This then leads into fusion alley then right into the bunker of surprise. Exiting the bunker takes you into another round-a-bout into the final streatch. Finally hitting grav-lifts into the cheat-proof finish line throwing you into the water ready to start lap two. Details - This track uses all of highground and all natural terrain. This tracks recent updates are the racetrack varient, a one time use teleporter to open the gate at the start, improved better quality barriers, and a cheatproof finish line. Since this track is older it has been raced many times with all possitive results and plenty of fun. The track only allows 6 mongeeses so its for slightly smaller parties but still great fun. It is a complete circuit track and an effective lap counter. The track contains Falling fusion coils, caves, grav-lifts, cheat-proof finish, rolling tires, and much more. Starting Point Drop-off First Cave Turns to the Valley Round-A-Bout 1 Room of Death Fusion Alley Bunker Surprise Round-A-Bout 2 Final Stretch Cheat-Proof Finish Lap Complete Thank you for looking at my map Please comment and rate if you have any ideas for improvement please mention it Download Map here: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download Gametype: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
i guess its good for a non dlc map. very origonal, but the fusion coils and propane tanks make it so it can't really be used for tournys or somthing. just imagine wallrider or flying goose, thats two great race maps. now imagine them with fusion coils falling on you the whole time. it kinda takes away from the map
This map was not made for tournys its made to have fun with your friends, also wallrider and flying goose aren't that fun because they are way to short, still good im just not a big fan of them
This looks really great nice job. The checkpoint is also a great idea to stop people from parking on it. The fusion coils make it so this track can't be used in tournaments though. Well other than that this looks really great. Keep up the good work, 4/5!
I can't tell if this is non-cheatable, though I've never seen a Race Map on High Ground, I'll give you a 4/5.
It was made back when halo first came out and that was when everyone thought fusion coils were awesome