Lulz I mean make a little bubble on it not to cover all of it nub. And making a new planet is just like going to cost 2345654323456543234543w234565434565456 dollars.
Or, maybe, Earth could just add a better atmosphere and not make a bubble. lol Then... export Earth's healthy terrain to Mars.
Or we could do that thing that alot of people suggest. We take so much water from our oceans,drop it on mars,wait about 10 years,then it grows algae.then oxygen produces and wah-lah we can breathe on mars.I think?
your bubble = fail new artificial planet = impossible Screw inhabiting other planets, theyre all inhabitable. And if you can even travel at the speed of light and go to some other Galaxy millions of miles away and then find out that the planets there are inhabitable, you just wasted a crap load of time for nothing. Seriously, I see no reason why we should move.
Gravitation force is created by the pull of atoms. Everything has gravity, its just that the force is so minute, it takes something very big to create a sizable force. To create the same gravitation force of the Earth, we would need the same mass as the Earth. Now where do you suppose we find that? As for colonising in space, i do not think that is a good idea for humanity at this time. It seems like luck that our species was capable of evolving on such a well defended planet. In actual fact it was our species adapting to what Earth gave us, the temperature, atmospheric pressure, gravitation force and weather cycle. Going to another plannet would change all of these. Its unlikely that we could cope with this change. Also, one of the major aspects that allowed Humans to live this long anyway, with all the dangers in outer space, is Jupiter. The planet is so large, and has a gravitation force so great that it pulls in most objects towards it, like asterioids. Jupiter acts as a wall, blocking our planet from most dangers. There have been plenty of planets discovered, which scientists believe to be capable of supporting human life, but they have all been a considerable distance from Earth. Until a faster means of space travel is found, most of these journies would take longer than the humans could survive. Imagine living your whole life in a space ship? One final point. If the planet we go to is capable of supporting life, then all scientific knowlege would go to show that life would be present on the planet.
Yes that is very true.But when we do find a easier and faster way of space travel then its going to be hectic.
There are plenty of theories and ideas of a faster space travel, and they are feasable by all means. Its just that they take a long time to build and test, it will be 20 or 30 years before you see these kind of things implamented.
Oh man I can't believe I missed this thread earlier... I'm 5 pages late on my favorite topic evahhhhhhh... I've got a lot to say on this. Space colonization doesn't really make sense when you look at the here and now... there are pressing issues that we can't really afford to be distracted from. But it's wise to look at the big picture. When you take it all in, we MUST colonize space some day or we will go extinct. Yeah, who cares about that because it won't happen for centuries? Well, it may be sooner than you think. Anyway, we should care about future generations. I think most people agree on that. I really love some of these quotes, they all come from here. "I don't think the human race will survive the next thousand years, unless we spread into space" -Stephen Hawking "The dinosaurs went extinct because they didn't have a space program" -Larry Niven "Many of the problems we have today may not have solutions on Earth. The solutions may lie only in leaving the planet behind. There's no way we can avoid tearing up the countryside for ores, for fuel, for raw materials here on Earth--short of everybody dying off." -Keith and Carolyn Henson ".....Earth can then become a world of parks, farms, and wilderness without giving up the benefits of industrialization." -Isaac Asimov "....The third reason is our spiritual need for an open frontier." -Freeman Dyson "Access to the boundless resources of the universe may once and for all puncture the pressure of population and politics of scarcity which have generated war, oppression, and plagued our species from the start." -Paul Levinson "Man is so made that he can progress only when challenged." -Sylvia Engdahl "Our capacity to survive has expanded beyond the capacity of Earth to support us........If Earth is all there is for man, we are reaching the foreseeable end of man." -Earl Hubbard "Once the threshold is crossed when there is a self-sustaining level of life in space, then life's long-range future will be secure irrespective of any of the risks on Earth." -Martin Rees "....The Earth will become a Holy Land which will be visited by pilgrims from all quarters of the universe." -Winwood Reade There's a lot more if you follow the link, I've read the entire page at least 3 times. As for me, I've always wondered exactly what the term "human progress" means. I mean look around.... look what technology has gotten us. McDonald's. Ring tones. Halo 3. Yeah, we have improved life slowly and in real, measurable ways, but the wheels are spinning pretty fast and not making people any happier. I was always a bit cynical about the term "human progress" until I started reading about space colonization. It's a huge goal that can really define the lives of everyone if it were to be taken seriously. ahhh whatever.
Well, I don't have some big quotes like Predicide, but space colonization will be as important as the big issues of today. I don't quite think it will happen in any of our lifetimes, but hey who knows. Eventually, the Earth is going to be dried up of its resources. Its going to happen. That's when we move on to another planet. I think my favorite quote from above was "....The Earth will become a Holy Land which will be visited by pilgrims from all quarters of the universe." -Winwood Reade. In my limitless wisdom (sarcasm), I see humanity ending when earth and her resources and climate end, or moving on to another planet that can support human life. So in the end space travel could be more important then global warming or gasoline prices.
Yes but the money for these kind of projectx will be very big. Yes but 90% of americans don't give a **** about anyone else beside themselves.Thats why we have global warming,pollution,and a bad idea of space travel. I agree.We are already almost out of oil ,which means we will have to invent some kind of resource that can make a car or any kind of transportation work. Is that true?If so that looks amzing.A space elevator would be so awsome.
It is essential to colonize other places in the universe if we want to be survived. Face it, we have raped the Earth, and it's getting sick of it. We have wayyyy too many people here, and we need to expand. We're reducing funds and shutting down parts of NASA when we should be focusing most of our effort to getting colonial projects together. God I want to be the first metal band from Mare Frigoris (Sea of Cold, located on our moon). You've not read Contact Harvest??
I can't believe you are all so freaked out about being unable to inhabit other places. I'm also kind of pissed that this one word hasn't come up yet at all. TERRAFORMING For those of you that don't know, the theory behind terraforming is that rather than building a bubble around mars, or building our own planet, we change Mars so that it can support Earth-based life. For instance, it is hypothesized that we can nuke Mars's ice caps (thus releasing the water/CO2 from them into the atmosphere), let the CO2 thicken the atmosphere and cause a greenhouse effect, and then plant plants on Mars to take advantage of the CO2 to oxygenate the atmosphere. However, we still have no idea if the caps contain enough CO2 to do this, or whether or not using nuclear force on the ice caps will leave the gases in the atmosphere or just plain launch them into space. If life were to be discovered on Mars, doing something like this would probably be impossible because a lot of people would whine about "destroying Martian life" and such. Personally, I hope life isn't ever found on Mars, seeing as we'd never be able to move there. I could say a lot more on the topic of terraforming, but I'm really not in the mood so I won't. Terraforming of Mars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia An artist's conception of the Terraforming of Mars:
Yeah, you're right Matty. Unless we can drastically speed that process up, we will most likely be gone by the time it makes Mars inhabitable. Think about it, starting an entire life cycle would take forever. If you're really interested in space colonization and want to live in that fantasy world, read these books...they own. Commonwealth Saga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It may take years to discover a way to travel in lightspeed alive and anything slower then that would take a lifetime of drifting when it could just end up being a waste if the planet is inhabitable or hostile or if the ship that isnt going lightspeed ends up being blown up somehow or the occupant die. But then again the computers came out of nowhere so space travel might be able to also