I joined on January and I'm starting to make alot of maps, but i have not posted yet. I also want to know how system works. What are these ranks? How do they work? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Never mind, i found out ty community! Oh and if anybody would like to forge with me send me a message!
To find information for these ranks, I would suggest going to your help box and clicking "Rank System". The thread provides information to receiving the neutral ranks and the more important and special ones (such as Artisan).
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/announcements/89838-forge-hub-rank-system.html#post1065987 It's on the slide out bar on the left of the page. That thing is really much more helpful than it looks. Lock Pl0X.
Yes, I will lock it, but did you guys bother to READ his post? He found his answer 10 hours ago. [/lock]