Download Expenditure Download Expenditure Sym This map is made for the FH Template Contest Starting Out: Like my last map, Expenditure also had a baby phase in Google Sketchup. I really kept to the design that I had in Sketchup, and making only one real change, and adding structures to fill in the rest of the map, this really looks like my sketchup vision. Before I started seriously forging, I learned a tip or two from pvilleplayer77, and it greatly helped my thoughts of accomplishing my goal. After I learned all I needed to know, I started a rough draft of the map in forge. Everything seemed a-ok. There was plenty of room for warthogs and a good amount of cover for regular people. Design: I took a lot of influence for Expenditure from Constrictor and Standoff. From Constrictor, I saw how there was a set path for Warthogs to travel. They were very limited, but I liked it, and so I expanded on it. Instead of a set path, Expenditure has more of guidelines. You can travel throughout much of the entirety of the map, but if you go into some places, your warthog will be in serious danger. The actual structures of the map are basically tall, imposing columns with catwalks connecting them. The columns make the warthogs travel in an S motion some of the time, and I really enjoyed that. I have divided the map into 5 distinct parts. Each one has different amounts of cover but they all have enough. The bases, are what you think; they are the bases of the map and in symmetrical games they are where the two teams spawn. The sub bases are similar to the bases, but smaller. They offer a good place for teams to spawn in game, and also make good territory spots. The middle is the connector area between the bases. It has the most cover in the map and you would be wise not to drive vehicles in it, as you will most likely lose it to grenades. The outer curve is the most open area and is normally for warthogs, and other vehicles to travel. The catwalks are 1-1 ½ stories above the ground level and offer a great advantage to those players on the ground. The catwalks go all around the map and offer routes to the entirety of the map. Gametypes: The best part about this map is the fact that with each gametype the map changes. Not the actual geometry but weapons, vehicles, bases, and everything except geometry changes. In symmetrical games, both teams spawn with the warthogs. There is a laser on the catwalk near the grav lift, there are snipers in the back hallway, and tripmines on the bridges. With asymmetric games, one team spawns near the shotgun {not there}, and one spawns near the sub bases. The sniper is where the trip mines where, a ghost where the Spartan laser was, and each team has rockets, and 2 mongeese {warthogs are gone}. In one Flag, the attackers spawn in the sub bases and have two return points. In One Bomb, the attackers spawn in the shotgun area and have 2 plant points. This has never really been done before in a map, and it works very well. Team Slayer Multiflag {Sym Version} Assault {Sym Version} One Bomb One Flag Territories Land Grab Flag Rally Nuetral Bomb VIP Weapons: Symmetric- -AR X2 -BR X8 -Shotgun X1 -Sniper X2 -SMG X6 -Spartan Laser X1 -Machine Gun Turret X2 -Warthog X2 -Mongoose X4 -Gravity Lift X1 -Trip Mine X2 -Bubble Shield X1 Asymmetric: -AR X2 -BR X8 -Sniper X2 -Rockets X2 -SMG X6 -Mongoose X4 -Ghost X1 Before I arrive at the pictures, I would like to thank pvilleplayer77 for greatly helping me throughout the entirety of this project. Aiding with some harder than normal geomerges, overall design feedback, and much testing, he shall be known as the co-forger of Expenditure. Pictures: These are the bases for symmetrical gamestypes. This is one of the bases for asymmetrical gametypes. This is the other base for asymmetrical gametypes. Action Pictures: Download Expenditure Download Expenditure Sym Expenditure Sym is used for Multi Flag and Assault. Instead of shield doors there are fencewalls so that there are no easy captures/arms. Use Expenditure for every other gametypes its set up for. Several of the testers of this map say there were bad spawns. Well, there were in the earlier versions, but I can assure you that the spawns have been fixed and there is no spawn camping or any problems with spawns for the gametypes it has been made for.
I actualy remember playing on this for some kinda party thing on an other site. the gameplay actualy quite nice, however, from my experiences on the map I would say that the spawns need some work
This is a very fun map. i actually "tested" the map. It works with almost all gametypes and everything seemed very neat and flawless. Geomerging and Interlocking was nicely done. 5/5. I do agree with Dow. The spawns do need some work. Spawn-Killing seemed pretty easy once a team took control of the other side.
Looks really good, but you've put out some really good maps before so I'm not surprised. Well, first thing's first, vehicles on foundry done correctly = win. Weapons look pretty good, and fair. I love the bases on asymmetric settings, it looks very neat. Overall looks like a really good map. I will fav and download later if I can. Great Job again on the map and post. Keep Forging.
This looks very good for vehicular combat. I like how the majority of the structures are above Foundry's floor, allowing for easy maneuvering of the vehicles. The interlocking and geomerging look flawless and the design of the map is very original looking. I'll DL this and look at it later.
I really like what I see from the screenshots.. has sort of a reverse-constrictor feel to it. Good job on that. I'll check this out soon and try and get back here with some more in-depth comments. Seems like a fine template-contest entry to me.
Wow. You really made Foundry feel much bigger here. I love the tall structures that give it an urban feel. In my opinion, the turrets on Expenditure was a bad idea. There are already two warthogs that already have turrets. Players will most likely get pissed because people can camp there. I am not sure if my theory is correct though, I have not played it yet. But do not worry, I will. I really admire the layout because it looks so balanced in games and provides a nice flow to players. This seems to be your best work yet. Good luck in the contest.
Testing this map persuaded me not to attempt a template contest map, its that good. I hope you worked out your spawn issues since testing, and I look forward to somebody inviting me to some customs on this thing.
well I saw warthog and foundry, then I decided to download it why didn't u just make one map and use the assymetrical, symmetrical options instead of two maps?
Because I didn't want the fencewalls to appear in Land Grab, Flag rally, Team Slayer. In fact I only wanted it to spawn in Multi-Flag and Assault. I had to make two maps to accomplish that.
noooo dnt enter!! You'll kill my chances haha. jk this would probably be the best submission in this template contest so far. If i dnt win, this maps the one that deserves to. You got my DL P.S. I'm kind of a noob on this site. Chk out my submissions maybe? I entered 2, Entwined and Reflection. I could use some advice