MLG Expanse

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Salient, Mar 4, 2011.

  1. Salient

    Salient Forerunner

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    Expanse plays very well with MLG Team Slayer, and MLG 3 Flag gametypes. It also supports Territories, KoTH, and Oddball, however the version of Expanse that I have in my Fileshare is solely TS and CTF supported because those are the gametypes the map capitalizes on and what I want people to play on. Its sort of a hybrid between Narrows and Gephyrophobia (Halo: CE Map for those of you who are newer to the Halo scene.). But I don't want everyone to think that I took ideas from either map to specifically make them exactly alike, as I stated in the map description I simply had the maps "in mind" when I was making it. I simply wanted a map that was reminiscent of a bridge over deep water/emptiness that is perfectly symmetrical.

    I will add more pictures, callouts, and more details as I edit this post in the weeks to come. I wanted to get this posted up on here as soon as possible so that someone else couldn't take my work and claim it as there own (I'm very paranoid :p).

    Bottom Street View

    Top Lift View

    Health Pack & Flag View

    Brief Summary: Players spawn either top or bottom their street/base, top mid spawns are for FFA only. Top mid has rockets which DO NOT spawn at start for the reason that whichever team rushes top mid at start and wins top control first would have 2 snipers and rockets at their disposal which would be extremely overpowered to have off the bat. There are two ramps on either side of top mid that lead to 2 sniper lofts (one directed toward red base, and the other towards blue base) which have teleporters that bring the player bottom middle on the corresponding side of that teleporter. Bottom mid has plasma grenades and is also the neutral bomb and oddball spawn zone. There are DMR's on the cover crenelations at each teams top lift and also 1 on each of the 4 ramps. Also there are 4 Needle Rifles bottom and top streets respectively. Expanse only has 2 health packs, one in each base on the glass cover opposing the flag stand. All respawn times are synchronized with MLG settings and all weapons are drop spawn. Sniper and Rockets both only have a single spare clip. I made the map particularly elongated because of the Sprint and Evade armor variants added to the game so that the map seems just as long as Narrows if you were to walk from end to end.

    Callouts: COMING SOON!

    Let me know if you find any hiding spots that can be exploited or what you believe to be faulty forging.

    Also if you see IVIr Vanity as a name listed somewhere in relation to this map, its my old gamertag which is now Oh So Salient.

    Let me know what you think!
    #1 Salient, Mar 4, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011

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