Exotic Escapade

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by c0gentf0rce, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. c0gentf0rce

    c0gentf0rce Forerunner

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    Ex0tic Escapade
    (Final Beta)
    Welcome to the fourth version/update of my race map Ex0tic Escapade. If you are in a hurry, just read the red words and scroll down for more screenshots. 1-2 laps are recommended as each lap takes about 5 minutes at the fastest. This may be the final version, but it entirely depends on the feedback I receive. So please comment!

    History: I actually started making this map all the way back in mid December last year. The first 2 versions were really choppy and hard to follow, but since then there have been many improvements such as fine tuning, to minor asthetics, to some track changes as well.

    Description: My goal for this map was to make a long, cross forge world race that eliminated the flaws I had seen some other long races. It had to have a balance between challenge and fun, be more than a bunch of bridge pieces and hills from 1 side of F.W. to the other, fit more than 1 person, have a pretty good appearance, be easy to follow and, most importantly, be one of a kind. This track uses lots of routes I have not seen before, as well as some really exhilarating features.

    Coolest Part of the Map: I'm going to keep most of the track a surprise, but I will tell you about the most innovative feature of my track. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SPOIL THE SURPRISE, DON'T READ THE RED WORDS. Ok, so what happens when you're out of your mongoose too long on the race gametype? If you don't know, after 10 seconds of being on foot, a mongoose spawns under you. At one point in this race you'll find yourself at a "dead end" on the track and a sign that says "RUN." Here is a picture:
    At the end of that tunnel you'll find yourself falling into a teleporter which shoots you to the top of the map.
    [​IMG]You will also find that once you get to the top of the map you will start falling very quickly, straight for the mean, hard, rock solid ground.
    This is where the mongoose spawning under you comes in. Just in time, your mongoose will spawn under you, stopping all downward momentum and letting you land nice and softly, ready to keep racing! The faster you get off your mongoose and through the tunnel, the closer your mongoose will materialize to the ground! If you do it really well, it'll happen right up close:
    Good Luck!

    Time for the rest of the screen-shots! I've stuck mostly to action shots so I wouldn't spoil any surprises or show you the whole course. Enjoy :]


    (Big jumps and multiple routes in this section)



    (Flying out of a Killball)

    (First ramp of a double-water-jump)


    There will be danger...


    ...and obstacles...


    ...and some pretty bad*** moments.


    Jees guys its just a race. ;)



    (When at this part, jump out and run as fast as you can through the tunnel!)


    (Things are not always as they seem)

    So you'll know the finish line when you see it:

    Thanks for visiting everyone! Please download, enjoy, nominate, like, share, comment and criticize on my map.

    A final preview in animated .gif format:


    Download Now!
    #1 c0gentf0rce, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2011
  2. Doomreaper13

    Doomreaper13 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I really like the map so far i will download and leave more in depth feedback. It looks like my first map, a **** you raceway map with lots of booby traps with big consequences, but a lot longer.
  3. rafi21

    rafi21 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ooo i remember when you first released this race back then.
    good job on fixing it up but i dont know why but i think i had more fun on the old one :/

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