Exody My masterpiece of Forging (30 Hours without concept devoloping) YouTube - xKryeZ' Reach Map: Exody Exody is a map I’ve been working on for the last couple of weeks the most time went into creating the actual concept and drawing it out on paper It was pretty hard tp make a ballanced asymetrical map because this is the first one I’ve ever done. (It hasn’t been playtested at all ) so playtest enjoy and send feedback and report glitches A little thing called “Project November” (working title of Exody) Exody is a small scale Asymetrical map which I’ve built up out of elements from other Halo maps that I liked such as Narrows, The Pit, Lockout, Boardwalk Etc. This map has taken weeks in concept developing in my head with only 1 scetch and ofcourse during forging I made several alterations to improve gameplay there is some Z-clipping but its not going to get any better than this I’ve reduced It to maybe 1 or 2 tiny spots. The main goal was to create an aestheticly good and gameplay wise enjoyable map inwhich you can move around on foot fairly quickly, that is where my last maps failed because I always ended up with a pretty large map. This time though it’s compact and you can quickly get from point A to point B in several ways. I didn’t intend on it but this map works really good with the jetpack although there are alot of areas where I’ve put (soft) kill areas because of Hiders / Campers the jetpack really gives you a great advantage because you’re able to move around alot quicker than on foot. The map is supposed to represent a corporate envoirment (owned by the UNSC) wether I failed or succeeded is up to you to decide, I didn’t like the idea of a floating complex so Its supported by several pillars in the water it just makes it a little bit more realistic. Note that there arent any vehicles expect for a Falcon that serves an aesthetic purpous only (the hard kill area will make sure of that) UPDATE. The blue base staircase has been edited so elites fit through now and I know that you can shoot from one base to the other so I advise to avoid swat on this map. Supported gametypes Assault CTF Headhunter Slayer King of the hill Oddball Stockpile Multi team Weapons / Spare Clips / Respawn Time 4x DMR / 2 / 60 1x Shotgun / 1 / 100 1x Granade Launcher / 2 / 100 2x Needler / 1 / 80 1x Energy Sword / - / 140 1x Rocket Launcher / 1 / 180 4x Plasma grenade / - / 30 3x Medpack / - / 15
This is a nice cleanly forged map, I bet it would play well enough too. I'd like to see a few openings in the floor overlooking to sublevels because it is very isolated.
Funny you mention that there is accually a hole in the middle that drops you right into the middle room of the sublevel or did I misunderstood?
No I noticed that but what I mean is that there are no lines of sight between the upper and sub level.
Oh okay yes that is true Maybe I could change something there like a lift or extend the sub level so it reaches out more than the upper level I'll go try that thank you