Great map, at first it looks like a normal MLG map but as i looked on it became something ive never seen before... The structure is great and so is the geo-merging. Keep up the great maps.
Wow, this map turned out great. I only wish that i had more time and i couldve contributed more to the forging. Sorry guys
I LIKE THIS but the middle just doesnt look good to me but overall nice and i also heard that u modded ur merges
This map was not made to be viewed as a piece of art. It was carefully pieced together with precision to create a superior playing area. If you're looking for aesthetics, go here. Also, we do not "mod our merges."
Dude awesome map alright 9/10! But as a warning you just might wanna change the name cuz there is an awesome halo 3 MLG map named Exodus Damage or something like that. Just as an FYI
2/5 needz moar covar, not enuf wepons and i noticed a box is not iterloxed. Hah, just kidding. Glad you showed this to me Solo because it captures everything a good MLG map should have - simple, plenty of routes, forging is clean and tidy, but most of all, gameplay comes first. This shows that it isn't the end of Foundry maps just yet, and is a great model for what a sucessful 2-base should display. You should post this on the MLG forums, unless I missed it.
Thanks for the input, man. Yes, I posted this on the MLG forums only to watch it be pushed down the pages within hours. I thought about making another account on there and posting it again but I figured if people didn't give a **** then, they probably won't now.
I love this map a lot. I have downloaded it, and played it with some friends who hate MLG and MLG maps, and they loved it! I really like the clean geomerging of the walls that make ramps. I wish I was able to forge like that! Overall, this is a fantastic effort, and this is a map I will be sure to keep on my hard drive.
I tested some on this map yesterday, and it plays suprisingly great. I did 3 games and I never got a bad spawn or saw someone spawn nearby. MLG Flag is great on this map. Love it!
I think this map is great! You forged it to perfection. The geomerging on both sides is exactly the same! The interlocking looks smooth (except for the pink tower ramp looks like there's a bump at the bottom)! BUT.. I think it's a little open. Maybe you could have some extra spots for cover. There is really no cover in the middle of the map, only at the bases.
Sick crane merge 5/5. You can break this pretty easily though. That triangle door is genius. This map is insanely clean.