Symmetrical map designed mainly for Multi Flag and other objective game types. Right now it only supports multi flag and team slayer but I will make sure to add in one flag, one bomb, neutral flag, stockpile and maybe assault and king of the hill. Team Slayer and slayer do work on the map but they are not as fun as objective games are on the map. I've the map for download so give it a try and let me know what you think of it and what could be improved. Weapons: 2x Sniper 2x AR 2x DMR 2x Needle Rifle 2x Shotgun 2x Grenade Launcher 2x Needler 2x Magnum 2x Plasma Repeater 2x Plasma Pistol 1x Rocket Launcher 4x Frag Grenade 4x Sticky Grenade Now for some pictures: Red Base Blue Base Inside Look of the Bases Covered Side Ramp Sniper Towers (both are in clear view of each other) Fork in the Road Bottom and Middle Level Middle Base We got you covered Going Up! Center Battlefield Not a free floating level (technically...) (And the red bases tower in the picture was the previous one) Team work is Key Hope you guys enjoy it and please leave me feedback (good or bad) so I know of any changes that need to be made to make it a more enjoyable experience for everyone. Thanks! [br][/br]Edited by merge: really? no one?