Red Circle: Red Base Blue Circle: Blue Base White Circle: Central Base Red Base Blue Base Central Base The map is placed on the island of forgeworld. The first thing created was the Central Base which is built using the building pieces Tall Building, Ramp Building, Round Building, and 2 Story Building. Later the wall boundries were placed, then the bases, finally the spawn points, weapons, and vehicles. The vehicles on the map consist of 2 Warthogs, 2 Mongooses, and 2 Ghosts. Then the Weapons on the map consist of 4 Assualt Rifles, 6 DMRs, 4 Magnums, 4 Plasma Repeaters, 4 Plasma Pistols, 2 Needlers, and 4 Needle Rifles. There are 6 of each grenades. The power weapons are a Shotgun, a Gravity Hammer, a Rocket Launcher, and a Plasma Launcher. DONT FORGET TO COMMENT. [br][/br]Edited by merge: this is kinda depressing i made this map about half a year ago, always been a favorite, had quite a few changes though the months but i figured it was good enough to be on here oh well [br][/br]Edited by merge: i guess its not bad im just judging on how my map i posted before this 1 got about 200 views before an hour past sence it was posted
I like the concept of a more complicated central structure between the simpler team bases while maintaining the options that an outdoor map provides. It's usually a good idea to rely less on the pre-fabricated buildings and more on your own structural creativity, but it appears to be functional as long as there are no easily campable spots. Looks to be potential for some enjoyable games, though.
ah yes well as i stated before this is a very old map the original versoin was created a short time after Halo Reach came out and i never wanted to change the map to much, only small things. Before reach i forged alot in halo 3 so i knew basic ideas i however mostly stuck with remaking the majority of my halo3 custom maps on Reach [br][/br]Edited by merge: