Exire is my new map and the second map i've forged. I was grounded for about three days and made it during that time period so i hope you like this. It is an MLG map and made specifically for MLG TS, and CTF. The asymetrical paradise is good with Slayer and CTF, Here are the pics and link........ LINK... http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=51688028 I know these are not the best of pictures because it is hard to get pictures without something else getting in the way. This is a great map and once again my second forge. Hope you all have fun, Please comment and rate!
Did you really nnot get a single comment on this map? did you post in maps, or what? the layouts awesome clean itnerocking. I rly like this map hahaa aesthenics are there, I would say a 5/5 is deserved
hey good map lay out simple, but after your third mlg map i thought you'dve improved, you need to start geoglitching. and you used the wall from onslaught.... not trying to bash you, just given some feedback. maybe in a new version you can improve this, and btw this isnt exactly asymetrical, its a symetrical 4 base, but the side bases are different
Look, I'm all for these MLG maps, if fact I'm working on one right now, but I'm kinda getting tired of this same old layout. There's two bases, a center structure and two side high places. I'll give this map a 4/5 for clean interlocking and nice feel to it, but its the origionality that stopped me from giving you a 5/5 Love, Zachary9990
The corners all seem a little awkard. Try and re-inovate them to create more fluid, user friendly corners. Otherwise, it looks like a great map.