Exile Before I begin, I need to give credit to K0N ART15T, the original map creator. I have his permission to post this. He made this map for MLG and I just edited it to work for standard Halo 3 gametypes. All I have done is change the weapon spawns, and changed the wall to free up some of the budget. Exile is an arena-style map. It contains 4 levels, a basement, a ground floor, catwalks, and a platform at the top. The basement holds a bubble shield, and the top level hold an energy sword. Built for 2-8 players. Items on map 4 Spikers 4 SMG's 4 Battle Rifles 1 Sword 4 Plasma Grenades 4 Spike Grenades 2 Frag Grenades 1 Bubble Shield Download Map Overview Catwalks Basement Hallways Defending the Catwalks
Looks great Looks great, I love the layout and use of interlocking. But then again you didn't really do any of it, you just changed the weapons. I don't think that you really should have re-posted this, since it has already been posted once. I know that you are kind of new here, but if you want to be better respected then posting old maps that are not even your's is not the way you want to go about it, sorry but I would like to see more originality... EDIT... Yeah the map was posted here in January. The coding is really messed up, but I new that I seen it somewhere... I see that you have been a member since December and you only have 10 post, you should really try to become more involved in this great community... No big deal but I tried to check out your other map you posted here but the coding needs to be upgraded to VB...
Lol, I still have Exile 2.4 on my Xbox. I thought that one of the weakest parts of the map was the weapon set, and now that you've fixed that, this might once again become one of my favourite small maps. You have my download.
Spartan, why would it be removed, it was the origninal creator's post here, and since you only got permission to change a few things, why would his post be removed...?
I think he may have been referring to his own post, Brute. It does seem rather odd to post another person's map though. Even if the weapons are changed up (and the powerup looks like it's gone too), this map is way too small for that change to make much of a difference in the gameplay. Sorry sir, but I've already played it. If you like it enough to want to post, you should do something else besides a new weapon layout to make it more of your own. There are lots of good ideas in there that you could use to add to the map. Good luck with your next project.
Well, I checked it out again, and it looks really good. Still symmetrical against every axis, but the new weapon set makes it a more casual 1v1/2v2 map. I could see some epic games of ninjanaut on the new version...
It looks like a decent map, from reading the replys I have no idea who made the map itself. Personally I don't like swords on such a small map. Too overpowering, should be changed to maybe shotgun or maybe even mauler. Regardless I will download simply because it looks like a good map =]