Sandbox Exhibition

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Conkerkid11, Jul 12, 2009.

  1. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Version 1.2 Update
    • Spawn points redone​
    • King of The Hill hill locations redone​
    • Sniper rifle at defender base set to spawn in both asymmetrical and symmetrical games​
    • Shotgun at attacker base moved to opposite side​
    • Plasma rifles at attacker base moved farther away​
    This might actually be the final version of Exhibition, but who knows? I'm getting ready to submit it to Atlas right this second. Please download Exhibition, give it a go on either One Flag BRs or Team King BRs. Those both happen to be the best gametypes for Exhibition by the way. Post your constructive criticism here so I can make Exhibition fun for all please.​
  2. Fruitista

    Fruitista Ancient
    Senior Member

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    HOLY FU** THIS IS AMAZING and proabably ur best post yet. on top of the map being perfectly forged and merged with every little detail with amazing aesthetics and a very original layout, ur posts are always perfect and original with picturs and colorful words and such. you should be a journalist for forgehub
  3. used man

    used man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The aesthetics on this map are amazing, and the interlocking and merging are spectacular. this map, unfortunately has a major flaw. I feel that your concept was wrong from the start. A map should be made to play well, and IMO that should be the focus of all maps, bar aesthetic maps. it seems that you made a competitive map with all the wrong ideals. with this your main goal seemed to be making the map look spectacular (which it does)instead of have great gameplay.
    I don't want to be misunderstood here, I am not saying exhibition has bad gameplay. far from it, the gameplay on this map is solid and balanced, but it plays strikingly similar to many other maps. this is not necessarily bad, but It causes this map to not stand out as much as it could. If this gets featured, it should be a monument to incredible forging and aesthetics with good gameplay.

  4. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Awesome map, obviously you are now a great forger. I could name things all day to like about Exhibition. One thing I think is a little off though is that the elevated walkway from blue base swings out a little too far without any cover. Seems like it's a losing battle from there against the middle turf when red team controls it.
  5. Alexecuter

    Alexecuter Ancient
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    Very nice, but in the pic with the sniper rifle, the walkways look a little choppy, and the blue base is considerably dwarfed by the red base, which could lead to unbalanced gameplay. Your technique is amazing, i can't ever begin to fathom exactly how some of your geomerges worked out.

    With these problems, I can't justify a perfect 5, but 4.5 sounds about right. It's just the gameplay looks like teams would be begging to be on red side in the game lobby.
  6. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    QFT. Sorry to say, but it looks like a slightly downgraded Tetradymite with some variation on bases and a claw that was flipped upside down. Don't get me wrong, the map is very well forged and I'm sure you put lots of time into it, but this seems like you took a little TOO much inspiration from that map. Some inspiration is good, but almost copying a map that you were impressed with is not.

    Now for the map. It seems relatively flat in most areas, especially the blue base. On each side, there lacks some blocking of the lines of sight. It's a pretty straight view from the middle to each base, and the map just isn't big enough to have these open views like sandtrap or avalanche does. The forging itself is very well done, despite a bump here or there. The forging is probably the best yet of your maps. Well done in that aspect.

    I hope the best for your map, but next time I advise you to make it a bit more original.
    #26 Mr Garfunkle, Jul 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2009
  7. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Version 1.3 Update
    • Spawn points redone again (Thanks Bartoge!)​
    • Starting points not overlapping spawn points​
    • Tunnel structures redone​
    • Overshield structure created​
    • Mauler placed where needler was​
    • Needler placed where plasma rifles were​
    • Plasma rifles placed next to trip mine​
    • Rocket launcher placed on weapons holder​
    • Power drainer and wall structure added near blue base​
    • Regenerator placed underneath the arch by red base​
    • Warthogs moved to more convenient places on Exhibition​
    This final update to Exhibition was brought to you by the letter "B" as in Bartoge. If I had released version 1.3 as I had it before I recieved help from Bartoge, version 1.3 wouldn't be the final version of Exhibition. Bartoge helped me revamp the spawns, the starting points, the KoTH hill locations, the new mauler placement, the new regenerator placement, and the power drainer placement. Thanks Bartoge! You are my true hero!

    I know ridding Exhibition of the star shaped tunnel structures will be tough, but I was able to make way for two entirely new structures that will change gameplay on Exhibition forever. If you ever downloaded a previous version of Exhibition I advise you to remove it from your hard drive and download version 1.3.

    I have yet to change the pictures in the OP. I would if I weren't so lazy, but it would take at least 5 hours to make the pictures, and then update the threads of every website I've posted Exhibition on. Just play Exhibition with a BR start gametype sometime and decide for yourself! If you can't find a match then hook me up! I'm always willing to play a couple custom games! That is unless I'm busy creating another map...​
  8. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Conker, this did remind me quite a bit about Tetradymite, but I see its own features.
    I do however believe that gameplay wasn't as epic as I had hoped for. The defender base is supposed to be Larger, and you definately made sure of that, but its hard to enter. I hated having to either drive way up into the dunes to drop into the base, and other than that, you had one door on the far side next to the sand. that was drive accessable, but you also had a single wall size door opposite of the bigger door. Anyway, you would need to walk off to the sides of the map to get in properly.
    Or I suppose you could jump into the base but thats not very fun. Anyway I seriously suggest you add another door where the Block Huge is laying down with the Ramp Smalls pointing up. Then take out the Half walls and put the Ramp smalls there.
    That would dramatically improve gameplay in my mind, and in others mind too. I seriously hope you do take my suggestions, and I'd love to help you do it.

    You're already on my friends list on XBox Live, and I'd love to show you what I mean too.
  9. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I just downloaded and ran through the latest version and am still very impressed by this map. You must be extremely patient, all your maps show it.

    Only thing I can suggest for Exhibition now would be to place the blue team's Warthog behind their bunker area instead of in front of their base, very close to the rocket spawn. As an avid BTB player I can tell you that if two strong teams played each other on this map, blue team would have their Warthog destroyed as they get in or even as it spawns every single time.

    EDIT: After re-looking at the previous version, perhaps you were right in placing the blue hog outside the base as the danger may be a suitable price to pay for also getting a Ghost.
    #29 Meteor, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  10. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    simply amazing, a mix between regicide and tetrydemite, the forging and aesthetics that you took time to make and implement into the map are really good looking. I forgot to post on this earlier, but it looks awesome.

  11. Codyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


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    This is the best competitive map I've seen to this day. The walkways are well done, and the hand looks sweet and unique. The most incredible thing is the blue base. The walls and wedges are all perfectly geomerged. I really am shocked. Yea, ummmm-Flawless, Perfection, Epicness. I have never given a map over a perfect 5/5, but this one looks like it could top that. 5.1/5

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