This is a competitive map created with ONLY the default sandbox items. So its basically a playable canvas map. It supports; Slayer, Oddball, Flag, and KOTH. It is recommended that you play with a small party (2V2 or 3V3). Weapons: Battle rifle x4 Carbine x2 Plasma grenade x4 Needler x1 Rocket launcher x1 DOWNLOAD Pics:
The map looks cool. But the one cooling thing I liked is that used used all the starting objects. The map looks nice 4/5 Good Job
i like the map alot, with only the things that were already on the map you have done a great job. i like the ramp like thing on pic 3, were you used the corner thingies, i'm going to download and see what i find of it, but could you please add a weapon list? makes it somewhat easier for some people, thanks
Definitely the most unappreciated map evar. The best idea you could ever come up with. I'll do some gameplay tests, but overall, the forging itself is an achievement.
That's an interesting idea. I'm not sure if it's really necessary, but still pretty cool I suppose. Also think of how good this map could have been if you used actual objects, but I suppose you could always save that for another map. Not bad, I'll look to see your new maps when they are available.
Looks pretty good. I would have never thought of using the default objects (and only the default objects) to make a completely different looking map from the default sandbox. Great Job 4.5/5 because I'm not loving the center structure