
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by thesilencebroken, Sep 24, 2008.

  1. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    BrokenBlaze Productions Presents


    Welcome to Excoriate, the second map in the line of collaborations between BlazeIsGod and thesilencebroken. This is our sophmore effort together, this time Blaze was far more involved, as we started together. Its much like a symmetrical brother to Bayonetwork. It houses similiar styles of gameplay, but is much more "flow" oriented.​

    This time around gameplay was the main focus. Alot of focus has been put onto aesthetics as of lately, and alot of the time, the pretty maps just dont play awesome. Our aim was to make a map that played excellent without losing the nice aesthetic touches we've become somewhat known for. This map focuses on tight quarters, narrow lines of sight, several different levels, and leaving as many routes to travel as possible. The ability to take any route you want heavily removes unwanted camping and cutoff strategies. Allowing players to freely go wherever in the map they want without fear of a trap gives the level a very nice and even flow. It has quite a few useful strategic jumps to help you gain leverage, but also provides a very fluent set of ground routes for those who choose against jumping.​

    Players will start side by side in team games separated by the main structure. the teams have the option to go low, grabbing the active camo, or taking the high road and gaining control of the shotgun early on in the game. From there, the options are almost infinite. FFA, the players struggle against one another to stay in control of select "choke-points" that mean the difference between walking away a victor or a loser. Capture the flag is genuinely unique, as the teams arent spawned on top of their flags. Both teams start the same distance away from the flag(s), and the defenders must battle their way to keep the control of their flag, while the attackers must fight for an edge on the opposition. This can prove much more difficult that you'd think. Locking down key areas is the only way to victory. This map also provides excellent BR warmup games and even better team swat games. Try it out and let us know what you think!​

    | VIDEO |
    [courtesy of Tex!]



    FFA | 2-6 Players
    TEAM | 1v1-3v3 Players​


    CAPTURE THE FLAG [highly recommended]



    6 Battles Rifles | 30 spawn
    2 Carbines | 120 spawn
    1 Plasma Pistol | 30 respawn
    2 Plasma Rifles | 30 spawn
    2 Needlers | 120 spawn
    1 Shotgun | 180 spawn | 0 clips | not at start
    2 SMGs | 30 spawn
    4 Spikers | 60 spawn
    1 Rocket Launcher | 150 spawn | 0 clips​

    4 Plasma Grenades | 45 spawn
    Bubble Shield | 120 spawn
    Power Drainer | 150 spawn
    Regenerator | 120 spawn | [asymmetrical only] ​

    Active Camo | 180 spawn
    Overshield | 150 spawn | [symmetrical only]​

    | LAYOUT |







    | F.A.Q.|

    How long did it take you guys to build this?

    We are unable to determine that because we worked on it separately through many weeks.​

    Whats the song in the video?

    "This Calling" by All That Remains​

    What does Excoriate mean?

    ex·co·ri·ate [ik-skohr-ee-eyt] ​

    –verb (used with object), -at·ed, -at·ing.​

    1. to denounce or berate severely; flay verbally: He was excoriated for his mistakes. ​

    2. to strip off or remove the skin from: Her palms were excoriated by the hard labor of shoveling.​

    #1 thesilencebroken, Sep 24, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
  2. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    you may have thought wed stop after a featured map we had made together, but no.. the fun doesnt stop there. after bayonework we started to grow as friends and played/forged together a lot more often. we learned a lot from each other and started forging maps with great inspiration of each other. we wanted to make a map together again but didnt want to make something unless it topped our previous maps. we sure as hell did that. heres our map.
  3. Resix

    Resix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    can i just say this. OH EM GEE!!! this map looks awesome and everything is neatly placed and the aesthetics are just wow this is a definate dl for me 5/5

    ill get back to this after i have played it with a better review
    ryan r teh lol likes this.
  4. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Vorpal Saint’s Map Review of Excoriate
    (made by TheSilenceBroken and BlazeIsGod)

    Alright, first off, I’ll say good job on this epically awesome new map. It is a very well made map and it is just full of neat stuff that I will mention later in this review. I want to say this now that I am really glad I know you guys and I enjoyed playing this map with you. Alright, I am going to break this review up into seven parts: Originality, Layout, Aesthetics, Breakability, Game Play, Spawns, and Weapons. Seven factors of all maps (which is rather funny when you think about it, this game being made by bungie and all). Anyways, here comes the review of epic win (and as of now, my most epic post to date).

    Originality: With this map, it quiet obvious that it is 100% original. You two have made a new form of your first collaborated map, Bayonetwork to were it actually plays better than it looks. This symmetrical beast trumps most of the maps out now a days (the ones that are symmetrical anyways). The two bases are labeled like MLG bases but they are nothing like MLG bases in design. The structure (that is the two boxes and single boxes stacked on top and interlocked together) is really new. I have never seen some one use boxes to have two plain green sides (seems like a waste of boxes, but it doesn’t matter) But in a way it gives more of a more-perfect-symmetrical feel. The B-sign Box are not used often with maps, but you guys used it nicely by throwing a flame thrower and fire bombs in it. For originality a 10 is awarded to you two. You guys have made an awesome brother map for Bayonetwork.

    Layout: For a symmetrical map that is themed off of Bayonetwork, you guys did an excellent job in pulling it off. The various jumps you can do in this map makes it feel like you’re a ninja jumping around killing other players. If you are good at jumping then this map will be fun for you. A few of the jumps were a bit hard but there were hardly any. Other than that the map is set up where the flow goes back and forth, to side and side. Fighting goes on all around the map and it is very fast-paste. Another thing I like about the layout is the way I can throw grenades to assist myself in winning. So for layout you get a 9.5/10 -for a few complex jumps that might prove to be hard for some people.

    Aesthetics: This map may not be as aesthetically pleasing as Bayonetwork, but it still has various touches that make one stop and look at things for a while. In this maps case, there are three main aspects that I thoroughly enjoyed looking at. The first one is the active camo area. I love how the man cannon lights up everything with a hint of light blue. Not only that but it suits the active camo itself majestically in a way. The next area would have to be the B-sign box that has the fire hazards inside of it. I remember during testing watching some one (I think it was Paulie) just stare at it wanting the flamethrower so bad that they forgot they were even playing. I myself enjoyed how the flamethrower sits at a relaxing angle. It is very soothing for the eyes of a spectator. The third main thing I would have to say is the cut-out bases. They may be small, but the positioning of the walls with the double box flooring and the overshield/active camo acting as a representative for each base is all done very freshly. Like I said, they have the feeling of an MLG base, but smaller and more nice looking than any MLG base I have seen. Besides those main features, I would say most of your interlocking is perfect. There are a few areas where it could be a bit better but, it does not affect gameplay that much so it is alright. I must say the same thing with the geomerging, except I did not see any flaws in it. So for aesthetics you get a 9. For fresh looking features, nearly perfect interlocking, and awesome geomerging.

    Breakability: I got the chance to test breakability before you released this, which turned out for the better. Like me, I know you think it is childish for people to escape maps during an actually game. But that does not stop them. We both know that. By the looks of things in a forge-through you made the medium-escape point to a much harder/impossible one. I hate to say that if I angle it right I can get on the inner side of the crane (I hate that freaking thing). Now, in actual gameplay I admit that if I did try that I am sure I would be taken out before I even got the chance to jump on top of the crane. So it is alright as it is. There is also another escape point. But that one is very risky as it involves using a rocket jump. I really doubt anyone would want to risk that in actual game though. If they do then there would be a good chance they would die before they got anywhere, so that is also ok. For breakability a 9.5 is what you get for the fact that there are two very hard ways to escape.

    Gameplay: I consider myself honored to play on the maps you two make before they are released (as would most people testing a premium‘s map before it was out for the publics eyes to see) I only say that because it is rare for me to get two teams of perfect size on them after words. Plus, I enjoy playing on a map with its maker(s) in the same game (that way I can own them on their own map). Anyways, gameplay on this map is phenomenally well for objectives. As for Slayer, not so much. I believe the best thing to play on this map is Multi-Flag. The way you have hot it set up is very well done. Making gameplay rather unique. But I think the best thing about gameplay is how flexible it can be; no matter what gametype you are playing. Flexibility in gameplay is always a good thing to throw in a map and I think you did it rather well here. Oh, and by that I mean having it set up to where it can work for multiple gametypes. So for Gameplay you shall get a 9.5 for having very flexible gameplay; it’d be 10 but you have not set it up for infection! Lol j/k --actually because of a minor spawning problem which I shall go over next.

    Spawns: Spawns always tend to be the thorn of the rose. In as if you are not careful with it, it’ll make you pay afterwards. Now, spawns for this map are not bad but, for Team Slayer they seemed to be rather iffy more than they should have been. Which is odd because the first test session did not have that problem, but the second one did. Weird as that does sound it’s the simple truth. However, the spawning in objective based games played out rather well still. So that is a good thing. Even in objective based games though, every once and a while you would spawned a little close to someone. That did not happen much, but it did none the less. So it is also a negative for spawn results. A final note is that I think you could have made the starting points for FFA’s better. I think it may have been the result of spawns magically screwing themselves. It is not all that bad, it’s just the start of any FFA is kind of sketchy. So for spawns you get an 8. For spawns being like sharp thorns stabbing your map and making it bleed out blood.

    Weapons: Ok, time for the last major factor to cover; weapons. This is my favorite thing to cover because I just love using all types of them on a map. Of course, it is always good to limit the number of weapons on a map, and chose the best set. But that is all based on personal preferences most of the time. With this map you two truly have a nice set up in my firm belief. I could not think of any better weapon system myself. Everything just balances out and no weapon really goes unused. It is hard to find a map like this so great job on that feet you two. Now to go into more detail on why this map’s weapon system is perfect and should not be tampered with for what ever reason. First off, I love the use of Carbines in the map. I like how they are used more often than the infamous BR; also because I tend to own with the Carbine more than it, lawlz. For power weapons, at first I was a bit surprised on your choosing. When I saw the Rocket Launcher I was all like “Lol, WTF are they thinking of having this on a map set up like so?” But it turns out they are not bad. They help out a team really well when that team is in need or it can be used to gain a few extra points over a close game; usually they are just in play for a few moments as well, so that is also always good. For the usage of a shotgun, I must say the same thing. Though, it is less of a control factor than one would think. I understand why you put it on and I’m glad it is there. It is because it flows with the other weapons and is not that dangerous to where it should be replaced with another weapon. Other than that, I can say I like the use of spikers and needlers. The Overshield and Active Camo are both suited well on this map along with the other weapons/equipment. So for weapons you two get a perfect 10. For an amazing flow/usage of weapons/equipment.

    Overall: If you had not noticed, I have covered seven major aspects of all maps. This is just the newest style of review for maps that I plan on using. I figured I first use it on a map worthy of my time to type out what I consider my norm of posts for a map (but to be honest it just happen to be your map that I used this on first). The layout of the map and the gameplay of the map are both overall great, the spawns could be better, improved to at least a 9. But it is fine. As the map stands, it has overall a 9.3/10. Great work on making an epic map guys. Oh, and one final note… To be honest, I do not care if this does or does not get featured. IT is a great map either way and that is what really matters. I know you know this but, others should accept that as well. Either way, I figure this will get featured because it is in fact so awesome. Also, I know I said I would get 2,000 words… and I hate to break it to you, but I’ve only made to around 1,955 or so. So I am truly sorry for that (But I guess in the end it does not matter lol).
    #4 Nobody Worthy, Sep 24, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2008
  5. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    You and Blaze are truely amazing forgers, although I am sure you both already know that. =] As for the map, You both did a great job at making this aesthetically pleasing and for making a nice familier layout. I'm sure this will have amazing gameplay such as Bayonetwork, but I'm going to have to DL to find out!

    Senior Member

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    just did a forge-through, and I must say, VERY impressive, gentlemen. The layout is fantastic, and I can't wait to get some games on here! I noticed there aren't any respawn areas for CTF and Assault. For a small, symmetrical map, they are a must. Also for Assault, you've placed the objectives, but no starting points. I was a bit surprised that it wasn't set up for Oddball, as it seems it would be a great map for the gametype. Im sure you'll make some revisions, and I'll hold off on the games and comments on gameplay until then. Cheers guys, and again, great job!
  7. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    I understand your worries, but i assure you, CTF and Assault play best. Slayer is the iffy one on spawns. Its not horrible, but sometimes it just has a bad one here and there.

    The map has no starting points in some gametypes because the one it does automatically works well, therefore removing the need for them. We tested the hell out of it.

    And finally, it is indeed setup for Oddball. See above for starting spawns. The oddball spawns behind the Spire that the rockets spawn on. Right between that and the oversheild tunnel.

    Hope that clears it up! Try some games on it and let us know what you think, but make sure to follow the recommendations for gametypes and party sizes!
  8. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    Nice new map looks sweet!
    I like the way how the map has a curve to it(you can see in the first picture)
    Also by the weapon placements looks pretty fast paced and exciting with the rockets and shotgun as major factors becuase the tight corners in a Team Slayer map I bet there are many fights over these two weapons. I have not had a chance to play yet, becuase this was just added and I am about to sleep(school sucks!). The way you need to go around to get the flags in nice so it takes some time and tactics to get the flags and score intead of blind rushing like some maps(in saying this I am stating that even though the run isn't too far you still need to plan your attack before executing is). Definatly will download and play when I get a chance(also the geomerging is nice so no grenade slip under parts of the maps).
    #8 zackj191, Sep 24, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2008
  9. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    actually you HAVE to try out CTF multiflag. it plays AMAZING!

    trust us when we say we know what were doin. :-D

    thats spam.... edit your post.

    EDIT: thank you.
  10. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    Sorry I didn't try to, my keyboard is new and has a wave in it and i always press the enter key not the ' key and my shift key(to make the !) so my post got ended early, I finished my typing after( and rushed so I had to fix spelling errors)
  11. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Indeed it does clear it up. I guess since I didnt see starting points I assumed it wasn't set up for oddball at all. Thanks for clearing it up. And will do, Im stoked to get some action here (not the bow chika bow wow kind but the cap cap cap kind)
  12. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Wow you and Blaze are a very great forging team. Both of you made such an awesome map! The gameplay is kinda similar to your map Bayonetwork which is also very awesome. Its like everything in the map is interlocked or merged. Great job on this and I really cannot wait for the next one.
  13. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    So when is this going to be featured? It deserves it, but so does all of your maps i will edit this one with a better review after a play a game on it but for now.9.7/10
  14. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    awsome, youve managed to pull of your dream- nearly
    youve from the pics seem to have gotten the gameplay element going strong in this map
    but the astetics and or map geometry just isnt as dazzling as your other maps
    still dling anyways

    QUINN HAS A GUN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Damn you. Damn you BOTH!... it's another feature ready map..... Someone count down from 100. It will be featured by then.
  16. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    lol this is really nice layout is win i cant see a flaw and im sure by looking at action pictures its been tested and tweeked to perfection... nice interlocking nis geo merging weapon layout seems sound... gameplay looks epic... im loving this map definate DL im going right now to get it... i think i see feature for this map nice work u 2 uve done it again....
  17. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    really cool map. its symetrical but it kind of has that asymetrical feeling to it and i like that. everything is so neat and nicely interlocked and objective gametypes like assault and CTF would be very fun in this map and a feature worthy map too.

    ps: All that Remains is awesome!!!
  18. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, You guys have impressed me yet again.

    Before the two of you collaborated I was a huge fan of both of your forging styles and maps too. Now you have collaborated its like an orgasmic rainbow of halo 3 awesomeness. For that you too truly are the gods of forge dare I compare your innovative styles and awesomeness against Cosmic Rick.

    This map is awesome its got a permenant place on my hardrive right next to bayonetwork, It plays so well im actually amazed. If Bungie had map developers like you guys it would be a top seller all over again - great job peeps <3 Chicken Dippah

    *EDIT* +Rep for both of you, If i can anyway.
  19. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    WOW, this map is fantastic. The interlocking is flawless and the gameplay looks superb. I love all the aesthetic touches (interlocked power ups, flipped bridges, geomerging).

    Great post and nice screenshots. I love the creative layout of this map and the skilled use of cover. The way the map has a curve to it is also very cool =).

    Weapon placement: looks pretty fast paced and exciting with the rockets and shotgun as major factors. Because of the tight corners in a Team Slayer game I bet there are many fights over these two weapons.

    One of the greatest maps ever made,
    a feature is inevitable!
  20. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map rox!! I downloaded it earlier before I went to school and played it with a Free-For-All match with 4 people. Amazing dudes. You guys are like a Forging team of 2. Lol, Seriously dudes, This will probably get featured. Overall: 10/5 and +rep for both of you guys. The nicest small-competitive map I've ever seen on ForgeHub. Keep up the good work dudes.

    EDIT: 400th post!!! Woooohooooo!!


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