What are some of your favorite games of all time, Bungie games excluded? What's your view on if the next 'Halo Game', the one who's anouncement was delayed, ends up being a squad based shooter as some anticipate? Could you have ever imagined that someone would come into the community thats as great as me?
Kind of mentioned, but... Will ForgeHub support games with map editors like Far Cry 2? Do you feel the future of ForgeHub/forge is good or bad? Bungie confirmed "three distinct projects" in the pipe, what are our thoughts?
I have some more questions... What was the experience like with the Humpday? Do you prefer WordPress or SMF over VBulletin?
I was thinking, Bungie hasn't made forge the way I thought they would, I thought the map would come with a blank canvas, and you could design floors, and walls, choose a sky, so much so you could virtually make your own map. Do you think this might ever happen?
How close do we live from each other? I am sure we can get some coffee at starbucks. Me, You, and Yavi. On the serious side what do you think the next big change to Forgehub will be?
Will forgehub always be a place just for forge? I know it's kind of a stupid question but there are ton of creative minds here and with FarCry2 being released soon with it's kick ass map editor I think there will be endless possibilities for forgers in the near future.
Do you miss some of the older members who are not as active now? Have you ever seen a good non-forgehub made map? (other than bungie official) What do you think of the increase in loyals? What do YOU think of rep? (lol not really) How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if he's from Asia?