Excerpt V2 8-16 players Creator: rifte gifle Well, after much complaint, I've finished up with a better version of my last conquest map, Excerpt. The new version is definitely an improvement. The layout itself is still the solid form it used to be, but changes implemented include correcting how the spawns are, aesthetics, weapons(e.g brute shot has been taken out), barriers, and territory markers now cover the entire map instead of just the tiny squares they used to be. Weapons List x4 BR x2 Sniper Rifles x4 SMG x2 Spike Grenades x4 Plasma Rifles x2 Plasma Pistols x4 Plasma Grenades The Layout That's basically the layout of the map, simple and easy to follow. The circle structure in the center where most of the action happens, and makes for some great firefights, but still keeps the same push forward element that you expect to find in a conquest game. Action Shots Testers/Extras -SpamRabbit -F3AR F1SH -mmoosslleeyy -Chickenpox902+guest -casting moose -AlexTheRocker -xHotxBluax -i r Goober -ZORDON -lewinator101+guest -TrustierToaster If I forgot to mention anyone else, just tell me. I give tons of credit to Bartoge for helping me with the conquest map and explaining to me what was wrong with it and helping me fix it. I also must thank chickenpox902 for helping me get all the testers. One second there were three people, the next there were 12. Thanks to both of you. Download Links Map Variant Excerpt V2 Gametype Conquest V3
This looks very nice and well done with amazing geometry and interlocking. I enjoy maps from higher ranked members, and it seems like you got this just right. Although, I do think that you should add more railing around the map, so people strafing and what not won't fall off. But really nothing else a very solid map. 9/10 + DL
Let me be the first to say, I loved this and testing it. Much better than your last one, the game runs so much smoother and also took my tip on getting rid of the brute shots so people couldn't jump over, amirite? Aesthetically I thought this was really good and also because competitive isn't relly your genre. If you look directly above of the middle structure it looks really weird. Good job on this, there's not an incredible amount you changed since the last version but the amount it affected gameplay in a positive way is a lot. The only annoying part was the sniper sometimes but it's not too much of a problem. EDIT: Okay... second then.
I can understand where you get your stereotype from, but a lot of the higher up members can't forge for ****. Ranks don't affect forging skill, I've seen tons of magnums who can forge a lot better than me. And to answer your railing question, I was actually thinking of doing that, and we played a version with the railing on almost everything but it turned out that it just got in the way since the fastest way to get to places is by jumping.
well alot of the pictures of the map is not there frome wat i can see of the map it looks really fun. unfortanitly i cant download seeing as im at the 100custom limit -.- .i would like to have any one come test my new map if there would just add dbxxchaosxxking on xbox live and i say thanks. only need 6 ppl
the map looks pretty straight forward, but it lacks anything that would make it real special... Take a look at most conquest maps, they all almost having some aesthetic part that sets them from other maps... Unfortunately yours lacks that gem like sparkle.. But as for gameplay its great, flows real well and is smooth. all you need to do is spruce the place up a little.