This is one of my earlier well forged maps it has fantastic gameplay and is set up for 4v4-6v6 ffa, team slayer, ctf, territories, and i think maybe assault or koth. srry for the confusion. Download Excavation now on to ze pics(and my quezt for ze domination heh heh heh) overview(side A)(fence walls supposed to look like a gate opening) side B wall & bridge (wall only there during asymetric games) Ruins & Destructible pillar sniper(symetric only) & rockets(asymetric only) Warthog (side b) Small house Tomb w/ shotty 0 ex clips (same on other side) spartan laser (side A) By the way the map is supposed to be abandoned so if the fence walls are crooked they are sopposed to be. so dont get on me abount that But plz tell me wat you think of it. Thanks, xfr1ct10nx Download Excavation encase you missed it Check out my other maps: Enclave Warehouse Road
I must agree with my friend Kilnon, It is sloppy and make V2, and Please take your time while forging.
Looks nice I like the idea with the bridge then the stairs that are interlocked in the double boxes. Good use with barriers to but what happened with the fence wall here: V
Just saying "Its abandoned, its supposed to look sloppy" isn't an excuse for not interlocking or geo-merging or making things at least appear to be done intentionally. Anyway, onto the map: It seems Ok. Not great, but not bad. The overall layout is hard to determine because you only show the two bases, but it looks like it plays simmilarly to the original Foundry layout. The entire map looks like it needs more cover, and you have 4 power weapons. I would cut it down to 2 or fewer, because power weapons can often kill FFA games by giving too much power to one person. I would suggest geo-meging the overturned double boxes to prevent grenades from going under them. I would also say that this map needs a catch or gimmick; something to separate it from all the other maps that are posted every day. Overall, I say 2.5/5 due to a variety of issues that I outlined above.
Not everyone has the patience to geomerge. Onto the map, Yes, I agree with him up there, it's like... in the middle and could use more cover. 3.2/5 I will download to see if it does though. Get back to you on this tomorrow.
everything was good up until the fence wall seriously dude what happened did you randomly throw them in i meanthere all uneven and evey thing try lineing them up with a double box and interlocking them it may not seem like much but is taking a hugh chunk out of you downloads (the rest of the map i like its jus tthe fence wall they just ruin your otherways great map)
This map looks pretty fun, i like how you did the bridge with the stairs and then bridge on top to make an arch bridge.
This map is very disapointing. I can tell you really are a good forger from those bridges but it looks like you didn't put much thought into this. This is one of the sloppiest and most poorly designed maps I have seen. Take your time and put a little more thought into your creations, I am not impressed...
thx guys....i guess. umm this is a really old map, and it sux compared to my other ones (look in my sig).