Hello forgehubbers, This is my latest map Excavation, It is a relatively small map that can support up to 8 players, it is my entry into the $5000 budget contest and comes in at the exact $5000. Excavation is a symmetrical, two leveled map centered around a circular excavation site the top floor keeps with the theme of rocks and tunnels and there is a clear contrast on the bottom floor which is themed around clean, gray forerunner architecture with a lift back to the top. On the opposite side of the map is a staircase leading from the top corner to the bottom mid of the map. Weapons list; 1 rocket launcher 1 grenade launcher 1 needler 2 assault rifles 2 plasma rifles 2 needle rifles 4 DMRs 4 plasma+frag grenade pairs so now with the boring bit out the way we can move onto pictures, YAY! The centre of the map (Top floor) the best of an overview shot I can get. Lift (bottom floor) (grenade launcher spawn) top of stair case (needler spawn) Bottom of staircase view from staircase to center (rocket launcher spawn) tunnel from center to lift (bottom floor) THANKS TO The testers guild, ShadowKill9987 SkybladePhoenix The Equin0x El FlyingCondor ShadowStorrmxX FragsturBate BackupBump NlBBLES Katanga SyluxAaron Furious T70 And a big thanks to Knight Of 0rder who tested the map twice So thank you for reading I hope you enjoy Excavation
Mich012, I am amazed at how much this map has evolved since I initially played it. This map impressed me substantially and I hope to see future maps from you. It is amazing how far your maps have come since you first joined forgehub. You have earned my download on this map and remember to keep on forging.
Wow this is beautiful! And its very unique, unlike so many other [boring] maps made these days. And it clocks in at $5000 exactly? Man. This is definitely super clean. +1 dl
I don't really have an idea of the map layout. Maybe you could take an overview shot of it? Based on the pictures, it seems the map has nice aesthetics, and it is indeed large and can fit 8 players well. I like the style of the rocks mixed in with the actual architecture of the map itself.
I totally agree. This map was great fun to test in the early stages, and it looks like you've really taken advice on board to make it that much better. I'll definitely download the final version.
Thanks, I tried to get the best overview I could but as it is all enclosed it is difficult to take a screen shot that shows the exact scale of the map. I don't think there are any more changes I can make now, and I have done every change suggested by the testers guild so I guess this is the final version