Excavation v.2 "Deep under this remote satellite installation lies a secret..." Hello Corpse 21 once again, To begin with this really isnt a new map of mine its more of a re-do of my earlier map Excavation (taken down) Theres been changes from minor to major, from gameplay to aesthetics. What happened is after I finished my last map "Concussed" I really didnt have any ideas for any new maps in my head at the time, and I just love forging so I had to do something so I was playing a slayer game with some friends on Excavation and I thought "Theres more I could do with this map" It was a good release to begin with but revisiting it I realized I could have done more to make it even better. I added a giant wall instead of leaving the side wide open (its built into the quarry) I really like the feel that the wall makes, I finished the orange base instead of leaving it so bland and boring that it was in the originial version, I worked on the bases making them a bit more closed in, but still open at the same time and added more strategic rocks around on the ground and changed up a few weapon placements, but nothing to big heres the pics: The Red base: The Blue Base: The Orange side: The Green side: This is the middle where the sword spawns on the top side: This is the overview of the map as seen from the blue base: Weapons, Grenades and Heath Packs: DMR x4 Needle Rifle x2 Sniper Rifle x 2 Assault Rifle x 4 Grenade Launcher x 1 Energy Sword x 1 Shotgun x 1 Magnum x 2 Plasma Pistol x 2 Needler x 2 Plasma Grenade x 6 Frag Grenade x 4 Health Pack x 4 As always Constructive criticism is appreciated I hope to get some reviews on this map and I hope you download and enjoy
You have a very unique block usage, style. The maps looks really interesting and seems like there would be fun gameplay with split "fields" almost like asylum. Very nice start to the map!
Thank you MCGreen, Yeah I really worked on the "Split Fields" you said when I was making the map to begin with, I wanted a top field (The Track) and the bottom and I wanted you to be able to fight between the two but with enough cover to survive.
Hello, I understand what you mean Lannders, but the first time i posted it I said that I drawed huge inspiration from "Atom" and I did, and I briefly considered building out over the edge to added more edges but I felt that that would really emulate the core architecture of "Atom" to much without having my own feel to the map.
=D and i apreciate that you kept your own feel, it's just...it feels odd its like grabing a sqaure boob. not as much fun as if it was round lol.
oh i will without a dout try it. I download every single map i look at and sadly i keep very few D;, but yea i will download and give it a try if yea every wana msg me my GT is Lannders. ^^
Ill add you to my friends list and I hope you like the map more once you get on it, ive got another idea swirling in my head of a completely different style map from my others that im going to begin on soon.
For future reference, if you forge a remake or an inspired map, acknowledge the map's flaws, so you don't duplicate them. I would also recommend taking inspiration from maps on other games, or Halo: CE. Atom has its fair share of issues, so if you take inspiration from more of a solid map...Your map will come out more solid.
Atom had issues sure, and I like this map, but no map is without its flaws, that said, I can't see how any of atoms flaws carried over here, they all look pretty solid to me, I mean come on, it looks balanced, it's aesthetically pleasing, good weapon placement, not too easy to dominate by jetpack if looks are anything to go on, the ground level looks solid unlike atoms horrible one, I mean, most of it's flaws don't seem massively apparent, so what are you complaining about?