Very very epic. Hmm.. I think I need like 1040 by something.. Can't remember. But next size down. That one is two big for my laptop. Thanks again. +rep if it lets me :\
opo all of your work is completely amazing. i wish i had the talent skill and [money] to do what you do.
That looks nice, the text fits in perfectly. I made a newer version of the SF, because I was unsatisfied with the old one. I used this stock: stock.xchng - download photo And a splatter brush and grunge brush set for erasing. You peoples like? And thanks ninja. Who said you needed money?
Thanks. They should be the same size. Heres another tag: Lately I've been going for simple, non-distracting, and small. I made the Robot Rock one below also. And I made a new avatar, do you like it?
Wow you made this man. What program did you make this with. could you give me a link to where you got it, and also did you have to pay 4 this
I made it with Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended. It cost a lot of money (I was lucky to get it free through my school) but there is a free trial at (Edit) Heres a new stretched pixel effect graphic I made. I did use a tutorial, which can be found here: 3D Pixel Stretch Effects | Tutorial9 - Tutorial Bliss.
I really like your work. It's all inspiring me to dab into some more original work rather than photo manip. I have a question, though. I'm not sure if you've used CS2 before, but if you have, how different is it from CS3? I think I might try the free trial and consider upgrading depending on the cost.
Thanks metro. I dont think its worth it Manik. Its always nice to have the newest version, but I dont think theres many improvements in CS3. You can do 3D objects and stuff, and I think there might be a few more filters and stuff, but CS2 is just as good. I can do everything I want on CS2 just as well, plus I like the look of CS2 better.
That second one really makes me hor- nevermind. But seriously, that one is really cool. It reminds me of Portal for some reason. Is it jurt brushing and a gradient background?
I demand more artwork from OPO!!!! :squirrel_jaffa: Come on. Your awesome thread is deceasing... :squirrel_nono:
I just came back from a camp in Tahoe a few days ago, so I havnt been making much stuff. Ill post some in a little bit. And yep alby, thats pretty much all it was, besides for some gaussian blur shadows. Edit: Even if no ones looking, Ive got some new stuff. Heres a little logo I made: And a crappy sig: And a abstract sig made from a stock picture of a coke bottle: