Obviously, creationism is the theory that a "divine creator" has created everything that you see. The sun, the stars, and especially life. The other side, the theory of evolution is the theory that every life form on earth has common ancestry (or descends from one of several common acestors), and has become what we see today due to minute changes over a large period of time. Personally, I'm an evolutionist. Tell me what you guys think. I'll try to form a strong rebuttal to any of you creationists out there. Please don't take it personally, I just wouldn't have much of a reason to believe this if I am unable to defend it. But by all means, tell me the answers to these questions: Why are you a creationist and not an evolutionist? Why do you think evolution is incorrect? Do you have a rebuttal for any evolutionist arguments that have been posted recently? For those of you out there who believe the theory of evolution, please put your thoughts in as well. Why do you believe this? What about evolution appeals to you? Do you have a rebuttal for any creationist arguments that have been posted recently? I would love to hear from both sides of the argument.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/debates/35865-creation-evolution.html Already been posted. Just bring the thread back.