This is certainly an awesome screenshot, it has that uniqueness whilst not being over the top. It's a shame about the helmet glare, the screen would be loads better without it. If you can remove it (retake or photoshop, I don't mind) this would be approaching a 5/5 As it is, a solid 4/5 ps: great helmet choice
That's my biggest gripe with the picture. I've tried so many times, and many different things to try and get rid of it, even trying different helmets, but on each one I tried there's a glare. =( I'm still going to toy with it, and maybe find a way to tone it down, but at the moment, it doesn't seem like there's any way around it.
the background is sick, and the lighting as well. yes, the glare does detract from the shot a bit, but not too much.
if you dont mind sharing how did make this screenshota??? and i agree the glare does mess it up a tad bit but nothing to serious 4.5/5
Okay, so I tried it again using a few more helmets, and got what I think are decent results. This is a version with Rogue. And this is a version with EOD. So, I got rid of the glare, unfortunately by using totally different helmets. But anyways, what do you think of the new shots, and which one is best?
I like them both but I'm leaning a little towards Rogue just cause I'm a fan of that helmet a little bit more!
It will be shortly. I'm starting to like the Rogue one more myself as well. Edit: It's now in my file share. Here's the link.
Holy..crap The Rogue and E.O.D picture are amazing. You should share with everyone on how to do the effect. They look much better than the Mark V shot seeing there is no blotch. Another two great screenshots from a great screenshot taker. 5/5 for the two.