If you take a look at the April Fools video on Bnet, you'll see a scene where someone is flying around as a monitor, with the same look as in Halo 3's forge. Do you guys think this indicates a stronger possibility of Reach having Forge?
Its already been confirmed, but yes that is the only reason the Monitor would have been created by bungie, because Guilty spark probably isn't in the campaign.
Where has Forge in Reach been confirmed, before this? This is the first time I've even heard them say anything related to Forge.
Bungie said all of the Gametypes from Halo 3's multiplayer will return Plus 2 new ones, probably the Arena and Firefight as the new ones.
yes! I never thought of that before!!! everything in that trailer was from Reach, so why else would there be a monitor in Reach!!!! XD I hope that forge is more like Google Sketch Up though. Plus more textures than just boxes and sandstones
That chess map has me sporting a huge forge related erection. Remember the Edge acceptance video where they teased Sandbox months before any official announcement? This smells like that. The floor is tiled, there's no way that's the default of any map. Bungie either did that custom with their computer tools, or we'll be able to paint the floors in our maps. The walls are "tiled" in segments too. That to me screams customizable sizes, you tell the game how many segments long you need your map to be. Whatever those area markers are, they don't change color when players step in them, and there are many on at once. There are 32 players in that chess game. That could also just be like the Edge video from Halo 3 though, where they add more in with their computers than can be added normally. Floor and walls appear to be completely flat. I guess the third time's the charm on forge canvasses. Chessboard is bordered with covenant purple. Color-accurate Midship remakes coming from a Forge Forum near you, 2011.
I like that...I hadn't thought of any of it, nice going. Forge has already been confirmed repeatedly. Lrn2search.
Link? Because I haven't seen Bungie confirm this at all.. It is beyond likely that Forge will appear in Bungie. That video was made on a dev kit, custom maps are easy to add on dev kits apparently. The points Ladnil made are very interesting tough.
Bungie has confirmed ALL GAMEMODES WILL BE RETURNING IN HALO REACH (with two additional). This isn't complicated. That means Campaign, Matchmaking, Customs, Forge, Theater, ___, and ____.
I wouldn't take anything from their april fools day gag as something serious. Forge is almost assuredly guaranteed. To what extent they give us is a whole different manner.
Or Invasion and Firefight. That's what I always thought it was. Or is Invasion just a regular gametype you can pick like Infection?
countless bungie weekly updates and other articles have made less than subtle hints that forge is around.
The guys over at Grifballhub are convinced that the "arena" thingy in the april fools Vidoc is bungie's official Grifball court, by the way. They have countless reasons to believe so. Although, the crypt in sandbox was bungie's Grifball court as well, so, I'm sure it will be super-customizable. I hope they have other maps that can be canvas'd though, if all we get is a square until DLC comes out, I'd be sad. Although, the if we can scale objects, we coujld definetely have something interesting...
While it would be nice to glean info from the Chess video, in all actuality we can't take jack away from it because it's an April Fools joke.
Make me. & No conspiracy here. I was asking for a link to it. I had not seen the proof before, and as so was asking for it. @ Misch - I agree, if there was a pc editor where you could port your creations over, that would be beastly! But yeah, unlikely.