This is what it looks like. That's four of me. Playing cards. For realz. Also, I really needed a haircut when this picture was taken. And **** Sargent was running for Senate at the time.
I'm sorry I have to do this, but I just can't help myself... I certainly hope you didn't beat yourself up too badly after you lost. sorry...
I hope you're ashamed of yourself, Squid. That's not even in the realm of puns. It's something far, far worse.
Lol... decent photoshop. Somone I know is amazing at photoshop, and made a picture of him running himself over, and then him as multiple bystanders.... lolz. Nice. They have a very tiny border around the hair in a few... but it's great!
do it with a video camera, then basically walk to the other space, when you are done, cut out the part where you are walking, overlay the footage and take a still, it looks a lot better, as long as you keep the camera in the same place
The problem though, is that the background behind my hair is a different color than my shirt. And my hair is whispy.
You could have taken a pic of you in each part and used the autostich feature. That way you wouldn't have to cut yourself out like you did it here.
Thats really awesome. I have no idea how you would begin to do that, but it would be interesting to learn.
Take pictures of yourself in diff places, from the same camera angle, then photoshop out the space where your "clone" should be. You don't need to completley cut everything out, b/c it is the same lighting and place.
I actually did it the opposite way, adding the clone as a top layer and then erasing everything around him. Same theory, though.